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Showing posts with label religions. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Snake, The Serpent, Religion and Spiritual Awakening

Monday, July 27, 2015 0
 The Snake, The Serpent, Religion and Spiritual Awakening

The Snake (Nag), The Serpent, Religion and Spiritual Awakening

Serpents are common symbols in many religions, belief systems and mystical traditions. Their meaning is translated variously as everything from the most evil to the most holy. The Serpent is either a deity or important symbol in Hindu, Ancient egyptian, Ancient Mesopotamian, Ancient Semitic, Ancient Hittite, Ancient Babylonian, Ancient Assyrian, Ancient Greek, Ancient Minoan, Ancient European, Ancient Iberian, Ancient Norse, Ancient African, Ancient Aztec, Ancient Peruvian, Hopi, Ancient Mound Builders, and many other religions, mystical traditions and cultures. How did a common symbol become widespread? It must have had a common origin or understanding.

 The Snake, The Serpent, Religion and Spiritual Awakening

In fact, there are numerous contemporary sects including Christian sects that either worship or treat the serpent as an important positive symbol.

      In some mystical traditions, the rising serpent is symbolic of rising kundalini energy. Rising kundalini energy is a Spiritual awakening that can bring forth healing, empowerment, knowledge and wisdom. The rising serpent has nothing to do with a reptile or animal. Rather, it is symbolic because the rising energy would appear as a serpent wrapped around and ascending a staff. Activated kundalini energy and the power that accompanies it does not make a person more ethical or moral. Rather, choices are always there and it is the responsibility of the individual to use all of their power of all kinds wisely and compassionately.

      It seems obvious that ancient priests and wise men must have had access to knowledge about Spiritual awakening, kundalini energy, what it means and how it works. Those who didn't have access to the information or were incapable of understanding it, may have been tempted to worship the symbols rather than the substance of this ancient knowledge. Thus, a distortion was introduced and serpent worship and serpent cults came into existence.

      The Christian Bible contains several references to serpents, or to creatures often interpreted as serpents, using different Hebrew terms. The most common term is "nahash". It is found at least 30 times in the Old Testament, and means "to make a hissing sound," as well as a "venomous reptile with deadly fangs." Another term is "tannin", which can also be translated "monster", "dragon", "sea serpent", or "crocodile" and can mean any large sea creature or reptile. It is sometimes translated as "serpent" and sometimes as "sea-monster" and, at other times, it is apparently ignored. "Saraph" is another term that is translated to mean "fiery serpents". The point here is that translating from one language to another and from one cultural context to another, especially across thousands of years of time and without loosing the meaning and intent of the original authors is very challenging.

The Symbolism of snakes and Serpents in Hinduism

The Snake Gods are adorned and celebrated in all the Hindu temples of the world. From many centuries the Snake Gods have been given prominence in the life of most of the Hindu people. The Female Snake God is called as Nagarani and the Male God as Nagarajan.and idols of both Gods are placed in all the major Hindu temples of India. In some villages of South India, they have been adorned in the live form and their shelter, termite nest, is also kept in many temples of the country. Pariticularly on Fridays they are given raw eggs and milk. The devotees of them put the raw eggs and the cup of milk nearby their shelter and if the snakes are really living there, they will come out in night times to drink the eggs and milk.

Lord Shiva , The Great God of Hinduism, is wearing the God Nagarajan on his neck and Lord Krishna has made the Snake God Adhisheshan as His bed in His home.

The Hindu people are believing that Snake Gods are associated with wealth and healthy life and they will act as great securities when the people meet difficulties in their life. It is also believed that Snake Gods are having separate world and Shri Nagarajan and Shri Nagarani are ruling that world. However The Snake Gods and other Holy Snakes are under the control of major Gods like Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna.  

The Hindu people are believing that Snake Gods are associated with wealth and healthy life and they will act as great securities when the people meet difficulties in their life.

Why do some Christians handle snakes?

In the Christian religion, snake handling is an extremely rare activity practiced by a very small number of Pentecostal churches - most in the southern, rural United States - on the basis on Mark 16:17-18: "And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;  they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover" (ESV).

It is important to note that the originality of the last 12 verses in the book of Mark are highly disputed, even by many Christians.

Yet, even those who advocate for the passage's inclusion into the Gospel, don't also argue that snake-handling is present-day application of the text for Christians, Pentecostal or not.

The practice of snake-handling

Practitioners believe snake handling is a demonstration of their faith in God. While advocates of snake handling come out of Pentecostal churches, no major Christian denomination, Pentecostal or otherwise, supports the practice.

One of the original leaders of snake handling in the United States, George Hensley, broke away from the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), because of his allegiance to the doctrine.

Most snake handlers are found in Alabama, Georgia, and Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Some states such as Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee, have made the activity illegal, punishable by fine, but it still occurs because practicing churches are mostly in rural settings.

Friday, July 17, 2015

What do Hindus believe?

Friday, July 17, 2015 0
What do Hindus believe?

 What do Hindus believe?

Hinduism embraces a diversity of beliefs, a fact that can be initially confusing to Westerners accustomed to creeds, confessions, and carefully-worded belief statements. One can believe a variety of things about God, the universe and the path to liberation and still be considered a Hindu. Perhaps the most well-known Hindu saying about religion is: "Truth is one; sages call it by different names."

Hinduism and its belief

Still, there are some beliefs common to nearly all forms of Hinduism that can be identified, and these basic beliefs are generally regarded as boundaries outside of which lies either heresy or non-Hindu religion. These fundamental Hindu beliefs include: the authority of the Vedas (the oldest Indian sacred texts) and the Brahmans (priests); the existence of an enduring soul that transmigrates from one body to another at death (reincarnation); and the law of karma that determines one's destiny both in this life and the next.

Note that a specific belief about God or gods is not considered one of the essentials in Hinduism, which is a major difference between it and monotheistic religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Sikhism. Most Hindus are devoted followers of one of the principal gods Shiva, Vishnu or Shakti, and often others besides, yet all these are regarded as manifestations of a single Reality.

Is Hinduism Polytheistic?

Hinduism is a decidedly theistic religion, but it can be difficult to determine whether it is a polytheistic, pantheistic, or even monotheistic religion. Of course, this is chiefly a western question: the Indian mind is much more inclined to regard divergent views as complementary rather than competing.

Cows in Hindu Belief

In Hinduism, the cow is revered as the source of food and symbol of life and may never be killed.

Karma in Hinduism

The Sanskrit word karma means "actions" and refers to the fundamental Hindu principle that one's moral actions have unavoidable and automatic effects on one's fortunes in this life and condition of rebirth in the next.

Purpose of Life

In Hinduism, there is not just one purpose of human life, but four: Dharma - fulfilling one's purpose; Artha - prosperity; Kama - desire, sexuality, enjoyment; and Moksha - enlightenment.

Authority of the Vedas and Brahmans

The authority of the ancient scriptures known as the Vedas as well as that of the priests known as the Brahmans are two concepts that are fundamental to Hinduism and differentiate the faith from Buddhism and Jainism.

Brahman: Ultimate Reality

Most Hindus venerate one or more deities, but regard these as manifestations of Ultimate Reality. So who, or what, is the Ultimate Reality that is behind the universe and all the gods? In the Rig Veda, it is referred to as "the One." In the Purushasukta, it is given the name "Purusha," and in the Upanishads it is called "Brahman," "the One," and several other names.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thursday, May 29, 2008 0

Now we'll look at your name with respect to the number of times that the same number repeats, or when certain numbers fail to be represented in your name. The repetition of numbers may show special talents that you possess. The absence of numbers suggests an issue relating to the nature of the number. Some numerologists suggest that the absence of a number reflects a karmic debt carried over from a previous lifetime. The norm in distribution of numbers in the name is somewhat hazy because some names are very short and others are very long. The average name has 15 to 19 letters in it. If this is you, then the following averages should work for you:

The number:
Average occurrence is:
My name has:

If your name is significantly longer or shorter than 15-19 letters, you must make adjustments accordingly. Now, make a count of each of the numbers in your name. I have used my full name below to set up the above example:

D A V I D M I C H A E L M c C L A I N

4 1 4 9 4 4 9 3 8 1 5 3 4 3 3 3 1 9 5

As you can see, I have the average number of 1s, 8s, and 9s. I have more than the average 3s and 4s, and I have fewer than average 2s, 5s, 6s, and 7s.

Be aware that if a missing or less than average number is represented in the subject's core numbers (the Life Path, Expression, or Soul Urge), the karmic deficiency is diminished, if not completely eliminated. For example, if an individual did not have the number 5 in her name, but her Life Path number was 5, she would have little difficulty handling the deficiency shown by the absence of the number.

Here are my delineations of each of the numbers as they would reflect average occurrence, and fewer, or more than average occurrence in a name:


Average. With 3 ones in your name, it appears you have sufficient leadership skills, initiative, and ample individuality to get along fine in life.

No 1s or fewer than average. With few or no ones in your name, you may find it hard to stand up for your rights and leadership may be a very difficult trait for you to develop.

More than average 1s. With more than the expected number of ones in your name, you may be very headstrong and even overly assertive in your will to lead. Avoid being too quick to demand your own way.


Average. You have a normal and natural desire and ability to associate with others. You are tactful and diplomatic enough to get along fine in the world. Cooperation is no problem for you.

No 2s. You lack patience with people and you may be insensitive sometimes because of this. Cooperation is a trait that must be learned.

Many 2s. You're very considerate of others and have a flair for compromise. Harmony and agreement making may be a major career advantage. You are faithful and adaptable, even to the extent of giving too much. You have a significant appreciate of the arts.


Average. If you have a pair of 3s in your name, your imagination and creative talents most likely are in the normal range. You express ideas and feeling with natural ways. Although you may not be described as the life of the party, you know how to have fun and enjoy good company.

No 3s or less than average. This doesn't say that you are dull, but it does suggest that you may have to be stimulated into enjoying yourself. You are not a romantic and one to base decisions of fanciful ideas. Creative ideas may be rare. Of course, if you have a 3 Life Path, Expression, or Soul Urge, this may not be such a problem.

Many 3s. You have more than your fair share of creative talent. You have the kind of imagination that makes you special in music, painting, writing, design, or other artistic endeavors. Indeed, you may tend to scatter yourself a bit at times. You have a "gift for gab," and express yourself well.


Average. If you have at least one 4 in your name, your ability to concentrate and apply yourself to a task will allow you to get along well in the world much of the time. The number 4 gives us common sense and the desire to build or develop things. The number 4 needs order and structure.

No 4s or less than average. If there is no 4 in your name, you will not likely be famous for your common sense and focus on mundane tasks. This trait will be well hidden if you have the number 4 as one of the core numbers, but if this is not the case, you may be a very unstructured and disorganized person. The concept of steady building and developing will be something that you must learn the hard way.

Many 4s. If you have more than the average of one 4 in your name, your ability to engage yourself in concrete plans will be a strong trait. You know the value of things and have the willingness to work toward long range goals. You understand details and respect law and order. You may tend to become too rigid and narrow in your thinking.


Average. If you have the average of four 5s in your name, you enjoy the human trait of having change and variety in your life, at least to a normal degree. You get along well in day-to-day public contact with the world, and adjust to meeting new people, travel, progress, and all of the changes that are part of living.

No 5s or less than average. It is very unusual to have no 5s in a name. If you if you have less than the average number of 5s, you may have a varying degree of difficulty meeting and dealing with people. You will not feel at ease in a crowd, and indeed, you will want to be left alone much of the time. A limitation of 5s makes it hard to face changes. Hopefully, this number will appear in your core so that this absence will merely be viewed as introspection.

Many 5s. With 5 or more 5s, you may have a very restless nature needing much stimulation. It may be hard to apply yourself to any one project because you tend to get too many things going on at the same time. If this number become too heavy in a name, there is a lessening of attention to detail and less respect for law and order. Properly channeled, this excess of 5s aids salesmanship and promotion.


Average. The average of two 6s produces normal instincts to protect and cultivate those close to us and even in the larger community. The traits inherent to 6 yield caretakers, teachers, caring parents, and responsible citizens. The number 6 stands for responsibility and nurturing.

No 6s or less than average. With just one 6 or with a name not containing a 6, your sense of duty to those around you is not strong. Indeed, the sense of obligation to fix the world is not strong in many of us. In daily living, the absence of 6s suggests a certain detachment, and problems large and small are handled without becoming very emotional or concerned. Parenting is often too loose and less than demanding.

Many 6s. A more than average number of 6s in the name produces strongly possessed beliefs and emotions. Ideals are strongly held and seldom surrendered. Your humanitarian spirit and sense of generosity may be outstanding traits in your nature. But your leadership and parenting may be too strict and unyielding sometimes. Loyalty is often consider an absolute necessity. Traditions are strong.


Average. The average of one 7 gives the abilities to analyze, investigate, and learn easily. You have a questioning mind which stimulates reading, study, observation and development of the mind. You have the ability to question and discriminate constructively.

No 7s. The qualities of the 7 are missing in many names making the mysteries of life more difficult to understand and grasp. Without a 7 in your name, you may be less cautious, less analytic, and perhaps not the top of the class when it comes to study. You are less apt to be overly skeptical and demanding of those around you.

Many 7s. If you are that rare individual who has many 7s in your name, it may be said that you "dance to a different drummer." Your mind is highly scientific and proof oriented. You take nothing on faith. Many of your ideas will be considered odd and out of step with most of the world around you. Emotions are very controlled.


Average. If you have the average of at least one 8, you are generally businesslike and self-sufficient in your affairs. You have average abilities to lead, direct and control others if you choose to develop these traits. With an 8 in your name, you can weigh and balance. Business, management, supervising people, and managing money are traits shown by the number 8.

No 8s. Without an 8 in your name it will be more difficult to manage and direct even your own personal affairs. Power, wealth, and leadership roles in life may not be your primary goal. Yet you are apt to suffer less stress because of your attitudes about these issues.

Many 8s. With 2 or more 8s you may have an intensity in your nature that drives toward power and control of others. You have a strong drive to accomplish, work, guide and command. Life may hold many tests and be frustrating at times, but the rewards can be high. Be aware of the stress in your life.


Average. With the average three 9s (or perhaps with only 2) in your name, you have the sense of compassion, goodwill, and tolerance for your fellow man that is necessary to live in our complicated world. The number 9 is associated with mankind and brotherhood. It produces our willingness to accept different races, colors, religions, and beliefs, and life comfortably in our environment. There is a spiritual understanding and acceptance that is normal and healthy.

No 9s or only one 9 in your name. The lack of 9s in the name, though rare, makes it hard to understand and accept others that are different. There is little feeling of universal or spiritual connection.

Many 9s. With many 9s in your name you may be overly sensitive to the world and become an idealist in some aspect of society. You may be generous to a fault. You may take such issues as religion or philosophy to an extreme.

Chakras Chakra - A Wisdom Archive on Chakra and Chakras

Thursday, May 29, 2008 0
Chakras Chakra - A Wisdom Archive on Chakra and Chakras

Chakras Chakra  - Chakras are energy centres which govern the subtle, psychosomatic aspects of our inner being. This Sanskrit term means wheel or disk, and when the chakras are awakened, they turn in a clockwise direction. The chakras open up like flowers and pour out their qualities re-establishing our inner balance and restoring our health and form.A Wisdom Archive on Chakra and Chakras

Of the many chakras within the human body, seven have been identified as major. Chakras are first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts of knowledge.

What is Chakras?

Chakras are energy centres which govern the subtle, psychosomatic aspects of our inner being. This Sanskrit term means wheel or disk, and when the chakras are awakened, they turn in a clockwise direction. The chakras open up like flowers and pour out their qualities re-establishing our inner balance and restoring our health and form.

Of the many chakras within the human body, seven have been identified as major. Chakras are first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts of knowledge.

The major chakras are whirling energy centers, which in general are about three to four inches in diameter. They control and energize the vital organs of the visible physical body, and work like power stations to supply life energy to them.

When the power station malfunctions, the vital organs become sick or diseased, because they lack the enough life energy to operate properly. Minor chakras are about one to two inches in diameter and the mini chakras are even smaller. Both the minor and mini chakras control and energize the less important parts of the visible physical body. In general, the chakras interpenetrate and extend beyond the visible physical body.

Chakras: The seven chakras

The conventional system has seven charkas:

7. Sahasrara Chakra

Situated in the limbic area, it represents the integration of all the chakras and all the aspects of the Divine within us. The Sahasrara is the destination, a holy place filled with the silence and the bliss of the Spirit.

6. Agnya Chakra

Situated in the middle of the forehead,at the optic chiasm, where the channels of the subtle system cross. The agnya is the straight and narrow way leading to the Kingdom of Heaven, the state of thoughtless awareness. It is the centre of forgiveness.

5. Vishuddhi Chakra

Situated in the neck and the throat, this centre is in charge of every aspect of communication between human beings. From a physical point of view, it controls the cervical plexus. It governs the five senses and enables us to achieve the witness state.

4. Anahat Chakra

Situated behind the sternum, where antibodies are produced to protect our subtle system. This chakra gives a sense of security. It controls the heart plexus.

3. Nabhi Chakra

This centre is the seat of our attention, and it transmits material well-being and inner peace. It controls the solar plexus..

2. Swadhistana Chakra

This centre gravitates around the Nabhi, providing support for its action and creating the area of the Void. It symbolizes the creative sense within us. When the Kundalini rises, it enters the Nabhi, goes down to the Swadhistan and up again to the Nabhi. The Swadhistan controls the aortic plexus.

1. Mooladhara Chakra

"Moola" means root, and "adhara" the support. This chakra brings support and protection to the roots at Mooladhara, to the Kundalini, and to the whole subtle system. It is at the base of the left channel. It controls the pelvic plexus and gives innocence and wisdom.

Chakras: System with eleven Chakras

There is also a system that identifies eleven different charkas instead of the traditional seven charkas:

Basic Chakra

The basic chakra is located at the base of the spine or the coccyx area. This controls, energizes and strengths the whole visible physical body, especially the spine, the production and the quality of blood produced, the adrenal glands, the tissues of the body, the internal and sexual organs. People with highly activated basic chakra are usually healthy.

Sex Chakra

This chakra is located on the pubic area. It controls and energizes the sexual organs and the bladder.

Meng Mein Chakra

The meng mein chakra is located at the back of the navel. It serves as a 'pumping station' in the spine and is responsible for the upward flow of subtle pranic energies coming from the basic chakra. To avoid adverse effects, the meng mein chakra of infants, children, pregnant women and very old people should not be energized.

Navel Chakra

This chakra is located on the navel and it affects the general vitality of a person. Malfunctioning of the naval chakra results in constipation, appendicitis and difficulty in giving birth, low vitality and other intestine related diseases.

Spleen Chakra

The front spleen chakra is located on the left part of the abdomen between the front solar plexus chakra and the naval chakra. The front and back spleen chakras control and energize the spleen. The spleen purifies the blood of disease-causing germs. It also destroys worn-out blood cells.

Solar Plexus Chakra

A human body contains two solar plexus chakras�the one located at the solar plexus area and the other in the back. Both controls and energizes the diaphragm, pancreas, liver, stomach and to a certain extent energizes the large and small intestines, appendix, lungs, heart and other parts of the body. The solar plexus chakra is also referred to as the 'energy clearing house center', mainly because the subtle energies from the lower chakras and from the higher chakras pass through it. The whole body can be energized through the solar plexus chakra. Malfunctioning of this may cause diabetes, ulcer, hepatitis, heart ailments and other illness related to the organs mentioned above.

Heart Chakra

Like the solar plexus, the human body contains two heart chakras, one located at the center of the chest, called front heart chakra, and the other located at the back of the heart, referred to as back heart chakra. The front heart chakra energizes and controls the heart, the thymus gland and the circulatory system. Malfunctioning of the front heart chakra manifests as heart and circulatory ailments. The back heart chakra primarily controls and energizes the lungs and, to a lesser degree, the heart and the thymus gland. Malfunctioning of the back heart chakra is marked as lung problems such as asthma, tuberculosis, and others.

Throat Chakra

This is located at the center of the throat. It controls and energizes the throat, the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, and lymphatic system and to a certain degree, also influences the sex chakra.

Ajna Chakra

Also known as master chakra, the ajna chakra is located at the area between the eyebrows. It controls and energizes the pituitary gland, the endocrine glands and energizes the brain to a certain extent.

Forehead Chakra

This is located at the center of the forehead. It controls and energizes the pineal gland and the nervous system. Malfunctioning of the forehead chakra may result in the loss of memory, paralysis and epilepsy.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the crown of the head. It controls and energizes the pineal gland, the brain and the entire body. It is also one of the major entry points of prana into the body.

Chakras and sound

According to Hindu beliefs, everything in the universe is made of sound. Each chakra has what is called a "seed sound". These seed sounds are the symbolic representations of the energy pattern of each chakra and hold its essence. Seed sounds are also referred to as bija mantras. When properly preforming these mantras, the individual resonates with the particular chakra. Crystal bowls or tuning forks are often used to aid those wishing to resonate with these wheels of light.

Chakras: Relationship between energy body and the physical body

Both the energy body and the visible physical body are so closely related that what affects one, affects the other and vice-versa. For instance, if the bioplasmic throat is weakened, then this may manifest on the visible physical body as cough, cold, sore throat, tonsillitis or other throat-related problems. Should a person accidentally cut his skin, there is a corresponding pranic leak in the area where there is bleeding. Initially, the affected area where there is a cut or sprain would become temporarily brighter due to pranic leak but would inevitably become grayish because of pranic depletion. If any part of the energy body is weakened either because of pranic congestion or depletion, the visible physical counterpart would either malfunction or become susceptible to infection. For example, a depleted solar plexus and liver may manifest as jaundice or hepatitis.

From the given examples, it becomes quite clear that the energy body and the visible physical body affect each other. By healing the energy body, the visible physical body gets healed in the process. This is called the Law of Correspondence. By regularly cleansing and energizing with prana, the nearsighted eyes would gradually improve and heal. A person with heart enlargement can be relieved in one or two sessions by simply decongesting the affected heart, shoulder, and upper left arm areas. Complete cure would take at least several months. By decongesting and energizing the head area, headaches can be removed in a few minutes.

Enlightenment - Spiritual Enlightenment

A wisdom archive for Spiritual Enlightenment with articles, interviews and personal experiences of enlightenment. Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening is the primary goal of almost all spiritual practices, traditions and religions and for any spiritual seeker. There are many names for this awakened state of Consciousness depending on what culture and tradition we belong to.

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Home to all Faiths

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 0
Home to all Faiths

 BANGALORE IS a cosmopolitan city with people from different regions and religions living together in harmony. The city has more than a thousand temples, 400 masjids, 100 churches, 40 Jain mandirs, three Gurudwaras, two Buddha viharas, and one Parsi Agiari.

BANGALORE IS a cosmopolitan city with people from different regions and religions living together in harmony

The tradition of temple construction, started by the founder of Bangalore, continues to flourish. The oldest temple is, perhaps, Domlur Chokkanatha temple of the Chola period (10th Century). The inscriptions here are in Tamil script, but the language is Kannada. According to these inscriptions, there was a Someswara temple here in 1266.

Ulsoor Someswara temple is possibly the next oldest, built by the Hoysalas (between 12th and 13th Century). This temple was renovated and beautified by three generations of the Yelahanka dynasty - Gidde Gowda, Kempe Gowda I and II. The temple is a strange mixture of Hoysala, Chola, and Vijayanagar architecture.

The next series of temples belonging to the period of Kempe Gowda I & II are Dodda Ganapathi, Basavanna, and Karanji Anjaneya in Basavanagudi, Gavi Gangadhareswara in Gavipura, Bande Mahakali, Pralayakalada Veerabhadra, Kalabhairava in Gavipura Guttahalli, Basaveshwara in the fort (shifted to Mamulpet), Anjaneya at Yelahanka Gate, Dharmaraya at the end of OTC Road, and Ranganathaswamy in Balepete.

Many of these temples have an interesting history. Once the river Vrishabhavati originated from the feet of the big Basavanna, but the stream has now dried up. Kadle Kai Parishe, a mela, is held on the last Monday of Karthika (October and November) to offer the first crop of groundnut to Basavanna before sending the produce to the market.

This part of Bangalore wears a rustic look during the mela. The chola style Gavi Gangadhareswara temple has huge tridents, damarus, and discs known as Suryapana and Chandrapana. People throng here on Makara Sankranthi in the evening to watch the sun rays pass through the arch, the window, Nandi's horn, and finally onto the Linga.

The Dharmaraya temple is famous for its Karaga procession connected with Adishakti in the form of Draupadi. Karaga, a five-day festival of Tigalas, who migrated from Tamil Nadu, has many unique features such as intense religious fervour, strict rituals, unchanged traditions over centuries, a fixed route and stops for the procession, welcome and respect shown at all the temples on route. The involvement of all sections of people and the unique communal harmony displayed by the special puja at Tawakkal Mastan Darga are remarkable.

Kadu Malleswara temple has given its name to Malleswaram. Ekoji had donated Medaraninganahalli for its maintenance and thus, the temple must be earlier than his time (1670 A.D). The temple structure around it was built by Yele Mallappa Shetty in 1900.

The adjoining Subramanya temple also has an interesting story. Devotees were in search of Utsava murthi for the main idol and ended up constructing a new temple. The Utsava murthi was in the possession of a Parsi businessman in Eden!

Kote Venkataramanaswamy temple was built by Chikkadevaraya in 1690 and the Basaveshwara there was shifted to Mamulpet.

Possibly, they forgot to shift the scenes from Girija Kalyana on the sanctorum walls along with Basaveswara.

There are also many temples built by the common citizens in Bangalore. Some of them are Kasi Visveswara temple (1840) in Balepete built by Sadashiva Sahu, Bennekrishna temple at Tulasi Thota, the neighbouring Sri Rama temple built by Rao Bahadur Garudachar in 1908 (the idol here was earlier worshipped by saint Tulasi Ramdas, credited with starting the Ramotsava celebrations in Bangalore), Banashankari temple built in 1915 by Basappa Shetty, Narasimha Swamy temple (1800) at Balepete, Srinivasa Mandiram (1889), Manji Someswara temple, Sugriva temple, Laldas temple complex, Subramanya temple (1821) in Ulsoor, and Subramanya temple built by the philanthropist millionaire, Sajjan Rao. The most recent example is the Rama Mandira in Malleswaram, built by the initiative of ordinary employees in Atara Kacheri.

O.T.C. Road and other localities have many temples built and patronised by certain sections such as the Devanga, Golla, Besta, Uppara, Goniga, Kshaurika, Nagartha, Ganiga, Vishwakarma, and so on. There are also a number of temples for the Grama Devathes (village dieties) - Annamma (Subedar Chatram Road), Dandina Mariamma (Shivajinagar), Patalamma (South End), Bisilu Mariamma (Lalbagh), Gangamma (Malleswaram), Muneswara, Bande Mahakalamma (Gavipura), Karumariyamma, and Duggalamma. The Anjaneya temples are popular and the oldest one in Bangalore is perhaps the Gali Anjaneya temple on Mysore Road, said to be established in 1425 by Vyasaraya. It is said to be the sixth of the 635 Anjaneya temples consecrated by Vyasaraya, Anjaneya temples at Yelahanka Gate and Karanji (Basavanagudi) are of Kempe Gowda's time.

Ragigudda and Mahalakshmi layout Anjaneya temples are quite popular and are of recent origin.

The oldest church in Bangalore is the one in Blackpalli (Shivajinagar), Kannika Matha Koil (1658), now upgraded by the Pope as St. Mary's Basilica. It is one of the six basilicas in the country. The other old churches are St. Luke's (Fort, 1830), St. Joseph's (Briand Square, 1857), St. Patrick's (Brigade Road, 1844), Sacred Heart's (Richmond Road, 1874) and others. Among the Protestant churches, the old ones are St. Mark's Cathedral (M.G. Road, 1808), Holy Trinity (M.G. Road, 1851), St. Andrews (Cubbon Road, 1867), East Parade (Dickenson Road, 1862), Wesley Church (Promenade Road, 1896), and Hudson Memorial (City Corporation, 1904).

The oldest masjid, Sangeen Jamia Masjid in Taramandalpet, was built by the Moghuls (1687-1690). Ibrahim Shah Sahele Masjid was built in 1761 (at Kumbarpete) by Hyder Khilledar Ibrahim Khan. Bademakan Masjid (Siddiah Road) was also built during Hyder's period by two Sufi saints hailing from Bijapur. Jumma Masjid (Old Poor House Road) was built by Abdul Quddus in the early 19th Century.

An important masjid is the Jamia Masjid (City Market) built in 1940 and opened by Sir Mirza Ismail. Among the 24 dargas in Bangalore, the popular ones are Kambal Posh Darga (Old Broadway), Hazarat Tawakkal Mastan Shah Darga (Cottonpet), and Besarwali Shahi Darga (Cubbonpet). Sufi saint Tawakkal worked incognito as an ordinary coolie in the construction of Tippu's Fort. His darga is dear to Muslims for its holiness and to Hindus as a resting place for the Karaga during the festival. The Dargas continue to be holy and respected. Places of worship of other religious faiths such as Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Parsees have beautiful architectural features.

The car festivals of many temples and churches such as those at St. Mary's Basilica, Kumaraswamy temple (Hanumanthanagar), Subramanya temple (Sajjanrao Circle), and Ulsoor Someswara temple are popular. So are the Karaga, Kadale Kai Parshe, Dasara by Lancers of Munireddipalya, and the car festivals of Grama Devathas. The existence of these many places of worship and the observance of festivals denote a catholicity of outlook, religious fervour, and fraternity of the common people.
