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Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0
Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

From ‘Vedanta Treatise’

By Sri A. Parthasarthy

Vedanta Life Institute, Mumbai.

The structure of man can be divided into five material layers enveloping Atman (indwelling soul). Atman is the core of your personality. It is represented by the mystic symbol of AUM (pronounced OM). The five layers of matter are like five concentric circles around the symbol. They are called sheaths or KOSAS in Sanskrit. The five sheaths (pancha-kosas) are:

    Food sheath (Anna-maya kosa)

    Vital-Air sheath (Prana-maya kosa)

    Mental sheath (Mana-maya kosa)

    Intellectual sheath (Vignana-maya kosa)

    Bliss sheath (Ananda-maya kosa)

Food sheath

Food sheath is the physical body. The five organs of perception and the five organs of action are a part of it. It is called food sheath because it is caused by food, maintained by food; and finally ends up as food.

Vital-Air sheath

There are five faculties functioning within you. They correspond to the five physiological functions. They are called the five Pranas. Together they constitute the vital-air sheath. They have been given that name because they are related directly to air you breathe.

  1. Faculty of perception (prana): is the functioning of the five senses as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.

  2. Faculty of excretion (apana): throws out, evacuates excreta of the body such as faeces, urine, sperms, sputum, perspiration etc.

  3. Faculty of digestion (samana): digests food received by the stomach.

  4. Faculty of circulation (vyana); distributes digested food to different parts of the body through blood stream.

  5. Faculty of thought-absorption (udana): takes in fresh knowledge.

These five faculties (pranas) are sharp and clear when you are young. As you get older the pranas lose their strength and vitality. That explains why a ripe old man can hardly see, hear etc. His faculties of excretion, digestion and circulation become very weak. His capacity to absorb and accept new thoughts and ideas is reduced to the bare minimum.

Vital-Air sheath is subtler than food sheath. It controls the food sheath. When your pranas function properly your physical body remains healthy and strong. And when they slacken and work inefficiently the body is adversely affected.

Mental sheath

The mental sheath is the mind. Mind consists of passions and emotions, feelings and impulses. It is full of likes and dislikes. Mental-sheath controls vital-air and food sheaths. For instance, when the mind is disturbed, the physiological functions (pranas) and the physical body are affected.

Intellectual sheath

Intellectual sheath is the intellect. It functions as thinking, reflecting, reasoning, discriminating, judging, etc. It analyses and distinguishes between pairs of opposites. It controls the above three sheaths.

Bliss sheath

Bliss sheath consists of Vasanas alone. When you are in deep sleep i.e. dreamless sleep you are in bliss sheath. When you cross the bliss sheath and move to other sheaths you experience the dream and waking states of consciousness. Vasanas are therefore unmanifest in deep sleep while they are manifest in the form of thought in the dream and actions in the waking state. Consequently you experience mental agitations, be they great or small, as long as you remain in dream and waking states. When however you enter the state of deep sleep all your mental agitations cease and you experience undisturbed peace and bliss. Hence it is that this sheath is called bliss sheath. But the bliss experienced in deep sleep is relative. It is not to be confused with the absolute bliss of Self-realisation.

The five sheaths enumerated above may also be classified under three different headings viz. gross body, subtle body and causal body. Food sheath and the gross portion of vital-air sheath together constitute the gross body. The subtle portion of vital-air sheath combined with mental and intellectual sheaths form the subtle body. While the gross body is made up of gross matter, the subtle body is constituted of passions, desires, emotions, feelings and thoughts. Bliss sheath is the causal body consisting of Vasanas alone.

Your causal body is the storehouse of all your impressions and latent energies in you, all your Vasanas. When this hidden material in the causal body expresses itself as feelings and thoughts it takes the form of your subtle body. The same material works out as perceptions and actions in the gross body. Let the causal body be instilled with the suggestion of health, the subtle body will entertain thoughts of health and the gross body is bound to be healthy. Let the causal body be saturated with the suggestion of godhead, the subtle body will revel in the thought of godhead, the man is bound to be godly. A man is the architect of his own personality inasmuch as it is his own causal body that is responsible for his behaviour, movements and environments.

The substratum of your causal, subtle and gross bodies is your real Self.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thursday, May 29, 2008 0

Now we'll look at your name with respect to the number of times that the same number repeats, or when certain numbers fail to be represented in your name. The repetition of numbers may show special talents that you possess. The absence of numbers suggests an issue relating to the nature of the number. Some numerologists suggest that the absence of a number reflects a karmic debt carried over from a previous lifetime. The norm in distribution of numbers in the name is somewhat hazy because some names are very short and others are very long. The average name has 15 to 19 letters in it. If this is you, then the following averages should work for you:

The number:
Average occurrence is:
My name has:

If your name is significantly longer or shorter than 15-19 letters, you must make adjustments accordingly. Now, make a count of each of the numbers in your name. I have used my full name below to set up the above example:

D A V I D M I C H A E L M c C L A I N

4 1 4 9 4 4 9 3 8 1 5 3 4 3 3 3 1 9 5

As you can see, I have the average number of 1s, 8s, and 9s. I have more than the average 3s and 4s, and I have fewer than average 2s, 5s, 6s, and 7s.

Be aware that if a missing or less than average number is represented in the subject's core numbers (the Life Path, Expression, or Soul Urge), the karmic deficiency is diminished, if not completely eliminated. For example, if an individual did not have the number 5 in her name, but her Life Path number was 5, she would have little difficulty handling the deficiency shown by the absence of the number.

Here are my delineations of each of the numbers as they would reflect average occurrence, and fewer, or more than average occurrence in a name:


Average. With 3 ones in your name, it appears you have sufficient leadership skills, initiative, and ample individuality to get along fine in life.

No 1s or fewer than average. With few or no ones in your name, you may find it hard to stand up for your rights and leadership may be a very difficult trait for you to develop.

More than average 1s. With more than the expected number of ones in your name, you may be very headstrong and even overly assertive in your will to lead. Avoid being too quick to demand your own way.


Average. You have a normal and natural desire and ability to associate with others. You are tactful and diplomatic enough to get along fine in the world. Cooperation is no problem for you.

No 2s. You lack patience with people and you may be insensitive sometimes because of this. Cooperation is a trait that must be learned.

Many 2s. You're very considerate of others and have a flair for compromise. Harmony and agreement making may be a major career advantage. You are faithful and adaptable, even to the extent of giving too much. You have a significant appreciate of the arts.


Average. If you have a pair of 3s in your name, your imagination and creative talents most likely are in the normal range. You express ideas and feeling with natural ways. Although you may not be described as the life of the party, you know how to have fun and enjoy good company.

No 3s or less than average. This doesn't say that you are dull, but it does suggest that you may have to be stimulated into enjoying yourself. You are not a romantic and one to base decisions of fanciful ideas. Creative ideas may be rare. Of course, if you have a 3 Life Path, Expression, or Soul Urge, this may not be such a problem.

Many 3s. You have more than your fair share of creative talent. You have the kind of imagination that makes you special in music, painting, writing, design, or other artistic endeavors. Indeed, you may tend to scatter yourself a bit at times. You have a "gift for gab," and express yourself well.


Average. If you have at least one 4 in your name, your ability to concentrate and apply yourself to a task will allow you to get along well in the world much of the time. The number 4 gives us common sense and the desire to build or develop things. The number 4 needs order and structure.

No 4s or less than average. If there is no 4 in your name, you will not likely be famous for your common sense and focus on mundane tasks. This trait will be well hidden if you have the number 4 as one of the core numbers, but if this is not the case, you may be a very unstructured and disorganized person. The concept of steady building and developing will be something that you must learn the hard way.

Many 4s. If you have more than the average of one 4 in your name, your ability to engage yourself in concrete plans will be a strong trait. You know the value of things and have the willingness to work toward long range goals. You understand details and respect law and order. You may tend to become too rigid and narrow in your thinking.


Average. If you have the average of four 5s in your name, you enjoy the human trait of having change and variety in your life, at least to a normal degree. You get along well in day-to-day public contact with the world, and adjust to meeting new people, travel, progress, and all of the changes that are part of living.

No 5s or less than average. It is very unusual to have no 5s in a name. If you if you have less than the average number of 5s, you may have a varying degree of difficulty meeting and dealing with people. You will not feel at ease in a crowd, and indeed, you will want to be left alone much of the time. A limitation of 5s makes it hard to face changes. Hopefully, this number will appear in your core so that this absence will merely be viewed as introspection.

Many 5s. With 5 or more 5s, you may have a very restless nature needing much stimulation. It may be hard to apply yourself to any one project because you tend to get too many things going on at the same time. If this number become too heavy in a name, there is a lessening of attention to detail and less respect for law and order. Properly channeled, this excess of 5s aids salesmanship and promotion.


Average. The average of two 6s produces normal instincts to protect and cultivate those close to us and even in the larger community. The traits inherent to 6 yield caretakers, teachers, caring parents, and responsible citizens. The number 6 stands for responsibility and nurturing.

No 6s or less than average. With just one 6 or with a name not containing a 6, your sense of duty to those around you is not strong. Indeed, the sense of obligation to fix the world is not strong in many of us. In daily living, the absence of 6s suggests a certain detachment, and problems large and small are handled without becoming very emotional or concerned. Parenting is often too loose and less than demanding.

Many 6s. A more than average number of 6s in the name produces strongly possessed beliefs and emotions. Ideals are strongly held and seldom surrendered. Your humanitarian spirit and sense of generosity may be outstanding traits in your nature. But your leadership and parenting may be too strict and unyielding sometimes. Loyalty is often consider an absolute necessity. Traditions are strong.


Average. The average of one 7 gives the abilities to analyze, investigate, and learn easily. You have a questioning mind which stimulates reading, study, observation and development of the mind. You have the ability to question and discriminate constructively.

No 7s. The qualities of the 7 are missing in many names making the mysteries of life more difficult to understand and grasp. Without a 7 in your name, you may be less cautious, less analytic, and perhaps not the top of the class when it comes to study. You are less apt to be overly skeptical and demanding of those around you.

Many 7s. If you are that rare individual who has many 7s in your name, it may be said that you "dance to a different drummer." Your mind is highly scientific and proof oriented. You take nothing on faith. Many of your ideas will be considered odd and out of step with most of the world around you. Emotions are very controlled.


Average. If you have the average of at least one 8, you are generally businesslike and self-sufficient in your affairs. You have average abilities to lead, direct and control others if you choose to develop these traits. With an 8 in your name, you can weigh and balance. Business, management, supervising people, and managing money are traits shown by the number 8.

No 8s. Without an 8 in your name it will be more difficult to manage and direct even your own personal affairs. Power, wealth, and leadership roles in life may not be your primary goal. Yet you are apt to suffer less stress because of your attitudes about these issues.

Many 8s. With 2 or more 8s you may have an intensity in your nature that drives toward power and control of others. You have a strong drive to accomplish, work, guide and command. Life may hold many tests and be frustrating at times, but the rewards can be high. Be aware of the stress in your life.


Average. With the average three 9s (or perhaps with only 2) in your name, you have the sense of compassion, goodwill, and tolerance for your fellow man that is necessary to live in our complicated world. The number 9 is associated with mankind and brotherhood. It produces our willingness to accept different races, colors, religions, and beliefs, and life comfortably in our environment. There is a spiritual understanding and acceptance that is normal and healthy.

No 9s or only one 9 in your name. The lack of 9s in the name, though rare, makes it hard to understand and accept others that are different. There is little feeling of universal or spiritual connection.

Many 9s. With many 9s in your name you may be overly sensitive to the world and become an idealist in some aspect of society. You may be generous to a fault. You may take such issues as religion or philosophy to an extreme.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What Is Cholesterol?

Thursday, May 22, 2008 0
What Is Cholesterol?
Taking a Look at Cholesterol

Before you start chomping on those cheese fries or that greasy burger, you might want to take a closer look at whether you're getting too much cholesterol. Cholesterol, a waxy substance produced by the liver and found in certain foods, is needed to make vitamin D and some hormones, build cell walls, and create bile salts that help you digest fat. Actually, your body produces enough cholesterol so that if you never touched another cheese fry, you'd be OK. But it's hard to avoid cholesterol entirely because so many foods contain it.

Too much cholesterol in the body can lead to serious problems like heart disease. Many factors can contribute to high cholesterol, but the good news is there are things you can do to control them.

Taking a Look at Cholesterol

Lipids are fats that are found throughout the body. Cholesterol, a type of lipid, is found in foods from animal sources. This means that eggs, meats, and whole-fat dairy products (including milk, cheese, and ice cream) are loaded with cholesterol - and vegetables, fruits, and grains contain none. The liver produces about 1,000 milligrams of cholesterol a day, and you probably consume about 150 to 250 milligrams in the foods you eat.

Because cholesterol can't travel alone through the bloodstream, it has to combine with certain proteins. These proteins act like trucks, picking up the cholesterol and transporting it to different parts of the body. When this happens, the cholesterol and protein form a lipoprotein together.

The two most important types of lipoproteins are high-density lipoproteins (or HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (or LDL). You've probably heard people call LDL cholesterol "bad cholesterol" and HDL cholesterol "good cholesterol" because of their very different effects on the body. Most cholesterol is LDL cholesterol, and this is the kind that's most likely to clog the blood vessels, keeping blood from flowing through the body the way it should.

About one third to one fourth of the total amount of cholesterol is HDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol carries cholesterol back to the liver, where it can be processed and sent out of the body.

Why Do People Worry About High Cholesterol?

When you have too much cholesterol, it can be dangerous to your health. When LDL cholesterol levels are high, cholesterol is deposited on the walls of arteries and forms a hard substance called plaque. Over time, plaque causes the arteries to become narrower, decreasing blood flow and causing a condition called atherosclerosis (pronounced: ah-thuh-ro-skluh-ro-sis), or hardening of the arteries.

When atherosclerosis affects the coronary arteries (the blood vessels that supply the muscles of the heart), the condition is called coronary artery disease, which puts a person at risk for having a heart attack. When atherosclerosis affects the blood vessels that supply the brain, the condition is called cerebral vascular disease, which puts a person at risk of having a stroke. Atherosclerosis may also block blood flow to other vital organs, including the kidneys and intestines. This is why it's so important to start paying attention to cholesterol levels as a teen - you can delay or prevent serious health problems in the future.

What Causes High LDL Cholesterol Levels?

Some of the factors that can lead to high cholesterol are:

  • Overweight - Excess weight has been linked with high cholesterol levels.

  • Heredity - If cholesterol problems or heart disease run in your family, you are at a higher risk for having problems.

  • Diet - Remember the saying "you are what you eat"? Avoid foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fat, all of which increase cholesterol levels and your risk of developing heart disease.

  • Physical activity - Exercise tends to increase HDL levels, which lowers your chance of developing heart disease.

  • Age - The risk of high cholesterol increases as you get older.

What Can I Do to Lower My Cholesterol?

Some people who have high cholesterol levels need to be on medication as part of their treatment to lower it. Although most teens won't need to take medication to lower their cholesterol, it's still important to keep cholesterol in check. To see if you have high cholesterol, talk to your doctor, who can test your cholesterol levels by drawing a sample of your blood.

You can't change your genes but there are things you can do now to decrease your risk for heart disease later. Try to eat less saturated fat, limit the amount of trans fat, and limit cholesterol (check food labels if you're not sure how much of these particular foods contain). The American Heart Association recommends that cholesterol intake should be less than 300 milligrams a day, total fat intake should be 30% or less of your total calories, and saturated fat should be 10% or less of the total daily calories you consume. Also, maintain a healthy weight and get moving. Regular aerobic exercise - stuff like biking, walking, and swimming - strengthens your heart, lowers cholesterol, and helps you to lose excess weight. For people who smoke, quitting can help decrease the risk of heart disease.

Here are some helpful tips you can try:

  • Eat a diet that contains many low-cholesterol foods: fruits, veggies, whole grains (like breads and cereals), legumes (beans), and fish.

  • Eat a diet that is low in saturated and trans fat. Replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats - for example, cook with olive oil or another heart-friendly oil instead of using butter or stick margarine.

  • If you eat meat, try using lean meat like skinless poultry. Make sure you trim off all noticeable fat before cooking and drain the fat from the pan after browning meats.

  • Instead of frying, try boiling, broiling, baking, roasting, poaching, steaming, or sautéing.

  • Instead of whole milk, use low-fat or nonfat milk, which contains all the nutrients without all the fat. Also, try low-fat or nonfat yogurts and cheeses or cottage cheese. You can also substitute low-fat buttermilk or yogurt in a recipe that calls for cream cheese or sour cream.

  • Use trans-fat-free margarine.

  • Instead of meat, try beans, peas, lentils, or tofu.

  • Instead of eggs, try just egg whites or cholesterol-free commercial egg substitutes.

  • Use liquid vegetable oil or tub margarine instead of butter, shortening, or stick margarine. Stay away from products that contain hydrogenated vegetable oils.

  • Pass on commercially prepared baked goods, which are often made with hydrogenated oils or trans fats.

  • Looking for snacks that are low in fat and cholesterol? Try fruits, raw veggies and low-fat dips, low-fat cookies and crackers, plain unsalted popcorn or pretzels, gelatin, or low-fat yogurt.

If you are concerned about cholesterol and heart disease, talk to your doctor. Visit the American Heart Association's website, which contains lots of information as well as easy low-cholesterol recipes for you to try at home. Although not all the factors contributing to heart disease and high cholesterol can be controlled, many can. Start taking care of your body now and it will thank you in the future.

Also See

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Harmful Effects: Here are some junk food facts that help you understand the harmful effects of eating them.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1
Harmful Effects:  Here are some junk food facts that help you understand the harmful effects of eating them.
Here are some junk food facts that help you understand the harmful effects of eating them.

Here are some junk food facts that help you understand the harmful effects of eating them. Some of them are long term while others are short-term effects.

Lack of energy:

This is known as a short-term adverse effect resulting from eating junk foods. As junk foods don't provide you with essential nutrients, even though they can be very much sufficing, you feel weakened. Consuming deficient nutrients could be as a supplement.

Poor concentration:

This is another result of junk food habit. These are traced to affect in immediate and medium term periods. When you have a sumptuous junk meal rich in oil you feel drowsy and fail to concentrate. Over sustained periods of junk food eating, blood circulation drops due to fat accumulation. Lack of vital oxygen, nutrients and proteins particularly can stale your grey (brain) cells temporarily.

Heart Diseases:

Junk food diet is a major cause of heart diseases. Myocardial infarction (a sever heart failure) is due to plaque formation in arteries which demands heart to put in extra effort to pump blood on the down stream. On the up stream, there is lack of returning blood to heart. This causes two damages to heart - heart fatigues by the continuous extra effort it makes and it suffers oxygen supply. The onset and remedy both take a long time and a great determination to win.

High Cholesterol

Apart from forming plaques and constricting arteries, cholesterol also affects liver where it is metabolized. High cholesterol from junk food and diet strains liver damaging it eventually. This is a long term effect.

How to Avoid Junk Food

Clever junk food advertising and the lure of convenience in addition to taste get people to junk food addiction. Awareness on junk food facts is lacking dramatically in every corner of the society. Here are some useful tips to avoid junk foods.

  • Junk food and children have a strange affinity to each other. This is partly so owing to junk food advertising. Do not let children to get habituated to junk foods.

  • Controlling children from eating junk foods in schools is another step that helps in a long term. Schools administration along with parents has a responsibility to educate children about junk foods in schools.

  • Junk food, the name itself is tempting enough. Eliminating the temptation is one way to avoid it. Keeping good food nearby and having meals right on time may help in this direction. Controlling the temptation is not as hard as alcoholism can be.

  • Develop awareness for fitness. This helps you separate junk food and diet from your regimen.

Finally, not all foods are junk; moreover, our bodies have enough stamina to take care off occasional junk food eating. However, beware; the lure is strong enough to get you addicted. It is in your hands choose junk food or health.

Also See

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Damaging Habits You Should Stop Doing Right Now. Have you ever noticed that the organs in our body that's weakening......

Saturday, May 17, 2008 0
Damaging Habits You Should Stop Doing Right Now. Have you ever noticed that the organs in our body that's weakening......

A habit (or wont as a humorous and formal term) is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.

To understand your own habits, you need to identify the components of your loops. Once you have diagnosed the habit loop of a particular behavior, you can look ...

Damaging Habits You Should Stop Doing Right Now

1. No Breakfast

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.

This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating

It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking

It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing

malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air

decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain


6. Sleep Deprivation

Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the

death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and

decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of

the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts

Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may

cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely

Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

The main causes of liver damage are:

1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.

2. Not urinating in the morning.

3. Too much eating.

4. Skipping breakfast.

5. Consuming too much medication.

6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring , and artificial sweetener.

7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil.

Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.

8. Consuming raw (overly done)

Foods also add to the burden of liver.

Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'

Because :

Evening at 9 - 11 PM : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals

(detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes).

This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.

Evening at 11pm - 1 am :

is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 1 - 3 am :

detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 3 - 5 am :

detoxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.

Morning 5 - 7am :

detoxification in the colon,

you should empty your bowel.

Morning 7 - 9 am :absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you

Should be having breakfast at this time.

Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30 am , for those who are

sick. Breakfast before 7:30 am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits,

and it is still better to

eat breakfast late until 9 - 10 am rather than no meal at all..

Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to

4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow

produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.