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Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts

Friday, July 04, 2008

Few words about Career Astrology - Vedic culture the career is shown by the karma bhava, literally the "house of action." Each of us is a unique being with unique talents and abilities, strengths and weaknesses

Friday, July 04, 2008 0
Few words about Career Astrology - Vedic culture the career is shown by the karma bhava, literally the "house of action." Each of us is a unique being with unique talents and abilities, strengths and weaknesses
Karma means "action." Few words about Career Astrology - Vedic culture the career is shown by the karma bhava, literally the "house of action." Each of us is a unique being with unique talents and abilities, strengths and weaknessesIn Vedic culture the career is shown by the karma bhava, literally the "house of action." Each of us is a unique being with unique...

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thursday, May 29, 2008 0
With the help of a simple equation, anyone can discover their Life Path number, a single-digit number that is said to reveal who you are, your deepest values, and the challenges you may have to face. In order to find your Life Path number, simply take your birthdate and reduce it down to its numerical value.The Life Path is the sum of the birth date. This number...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Varanasi - The holy city of India, is also known by the name of Kashi and Benaras. Kashi, the city of Moksha for Hindus since centuries

Monday, May 26, 2008 0
Varanasi - The holy city of India, is also known by the name of Kashi and Benaras. Kashi, the city of Moksha for Hindus since centuries
Varanasi, the holy city of India, is also known by the name of Kashi and Benaras. Kashi, the city of Moksha for Hindus since centuries, is known for its fine-quality silks, 'paan' and Benares Hindu University and Avimukta of the ancient days, Varanasi is the most popular pilgrimage point for the Hindus. One of the seven holiest cities, Varanasi city is also...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pisces / Meena Rashi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0
Pisces / Meena Rashi
Master Planet : Jupiter / GuruDi, Dee ,Du, Doo ,Tha ,Jha, Ja ,Ana ,De, Day, De ,Do, Dau ,Cha ,Chi, CheeThis Rashi comprises of the last charan of Poorvabhadrapada, complete Uttara-bhadrapada and Revati Nakshatras. The persons under this sign have good qualities like truthfulness, innocence, logical thinking and love for mankind.They are dwarf-heighted,have small...

Aquarius / Kumbha Rashi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0
Aquarius / Kumbha Rashi
Master Planet : Saturn / ShaniGu, Goo, Ghu ,Gey, Gay, Ghe ,Go, Gau, Gho ,Sa, Sha ,Si, See, Shi, Shee ,Su, Soo, Shu, Shoo ,Say, Shaa ,So, Sho ,DaThis Rashi sign consists of last two charans of Dhanishta ,Shatbhisha complete and the first three charans of Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatras. Aquarians are lovers of personal freedom. The height of the body is dwarf or...

Capricorn / Makara Rashi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0
Capricorn / Makara Rashi
Master Planet : Saturn / SaniBho, Bhau ,Ja ,Ji, Jee, Jhi ,Khi, Khee ,Khu, Khoo ,Khey, Khay ,Kho, Khau ,Ga ,Gi, Gee, GheeThis Rashi sign comprises of the first three charans of Uttarashada, Shravana complete and two charans of Dhanishta Nakshatras. The people under this sign are thin in body, long-necked and have thin teeth. They have hard hair on their scalp....

Sagittarius / Dhanu Rashi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0
Sagittarius / Dhanu Rashi
Master Planet : Jupiter / GuruYe ,Yo, Yho ,Bha ,Bhi, Bhee ,Bhu, Bhoo ,Dha ,Pha, Fa ,Dhaa, Dhha ,Bhe, BhayThis Rashi sign is made up of full Nakshatras of Moola and Poorvashada and the first charan of Uttarashadha. The people under this sign are men of principle, following their religion. They are the nucleus of their families, earning for all.They have great...

Scorpio / Vrischika Rashi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0
Scorpio / Vrischika Rashi
Master Planet : Mars / MangalTo, Tho ,Na, Nau ,Ni, Nee ,Nu, Noo ,Ne, Nay ,No, Nau ,Ya ,Yi, Yee ,Yu, YooThe scorpions are quite serious in nature mixed with a blend of jealousy. The sign comprises of the last charan of Vishakha, full Anuradha and Jyeshta Nakshatras. The people with this sign are trustworthy, honest, truthful and sincere. They have big teeth,...

Libra / Tula Rashi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0
Libra / Tula Rashi
Master Planet : Venus / ShukraRa, Rha ,Ri, Ree, Rhi ,Ru, Roo, Rhu ,Rey, Ray, Rhe ,Ro, Rau, Rho, Rhau ,Ta ,Tii, Tee, Thee, Thii ,Tu, Thu, Tho ,Te, The, TayThe Librans are usually thin and tall. They have conspicuous veins. This sign includes the last two charans of Chitra, Swati and three charans of Vishakha Nakshatras.They are logical with their nature and are...

Leo / Simha Rashi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0
Leo / Simha Rashi
Leo / Simha RashiMaster Planet : Sun / SuryaMa ,Mi, Mee ,Mu, Moo ,May, Me ,Mo, Mau ,Ta ,Ti, Tee ,Tu, Too ,Te, TayThis rashi includes complete Magha, Poorva Phalguni and first charan of Uttara Phalguni. The people of this sign are courageous, tall in height and have powerful physique and broad chest. They possess impressive and commanding personality. They are...