Leo / Simha Rashi - Your Inspirational World Die/s Every Minute You Dont Read This Article
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Leo / Simha Rashi

Leo / Simha Rashi

Master Planet : Sun / Surya

Ma ,Mi, Mee ,Mu, Moo ,May, Me ,Mo, Mau ,Ta ,Ti, Tee ,Tu, Too ,Te, Tay

Leo / Simha Rashi

This rashi includes complete Magha, Poorva Phalguni and first charan of Uttara Phalguni. The people of this sign are courageous, tall in height and have powerful physique and broad chest. They possess impressive and commanding personality. They are born with leadership qualities and have magnetic power of attraction.

 Leo / Simha RashiThey have reddish complexion. They have strong bones, broad forehead, beautiful eyes and big nose. They are ambitious and have dominating nature. They seek such occupations like military, police services or administrative services.

They are proud, pious and clean hearted. They get fewer results for their deeds but are never disappointed. They love travels of hills and are adventurous. They like fast driving and fast moving vehicles. They achieve rise in destiny very late sometimes above 30 yrs of age. They have small families. Their pitch of voice is high. They are ambitious, autocratic, independent, strong-willed, suspicious, violent, ill tempered and jealous. They are strong and rough towards their subordinates.

See other Rashi's

Also See Numerology : Birthday