The Upanishad teaches the reconciliation, by the perception of essential Unity, of the apparently incompatible opposites, God and the World, Renunciation and Enjoyment, Action and internal Freedom, the One and the Many, Being and its Becomings, the passive divine Impersonality and the active divine Personality, the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the Becoming and...

Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Varanasi - The holy city of India, is also known by the name of Kashi and Benaras. Kashi, the city of Moksha for Hindus since centuries
Varanasi, the holy city of India, is also known by the name of Kashi and Benaras. Kashi, the city of Moksha for Hindus since centuries, is known for its fine-quality silks, 'paan' and Benares Hindu University and Avimukta of the ancient days, Varanasi is the most popular pilgrimage point for the Hindus. One of the seven holiest cities, Varanasi city is also...