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Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2020

TOP KEYWORDS - Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization professionals - PART IV

Saturday, March 14, 2020 0
TOP KEYWORDS - Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization professionals - PART IV
Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they're the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines, also called "search queries." If you boil everything on your page — all the images, video, copy, etc.  76-100  76    -    google scholar Google...

TOP KEYWORDS - Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization professionals - PART II

Saturday, March 14, 2020 0
TOP KEYWORDS - Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization professionals - PART II
Your SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines. A website that is well optimized for search engines "speaks the same language" as its potential visitor base with keywords for SEO that help connect searchers to your site.                                        ...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Cows are Sacred - Understanding Hinduism

Monday, July 27, 2015 0
Cows are Sacred - Understanding Hinduism
Cows are Sacred - Understanding HinduismWhy is the cow important to Hindus?Millions of Hindus revere and worship cows. Hinduism is a religion that raises the status of Mother to the level of Goddess. Therefore, the cow is considered a sacred animal, as it provides us life sustaining milk. The cow is seen as a maternal figure, a care taker of her people. The...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 0
POWER OF MONEY....BY ADAM KHOOWords of wisdom by Singapore’s youngest millionaire; a writer…..(Singapore’s youngest millionaire at 26 yrs.) Some of you may already know that I travel around the region pretty frequently, having to visit and conduct seminars at my offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Suzhou (China). I am in the airport almost every other...

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thursday, May 29, 2008 0
The seven days or pinnacle phases of the festival are: Goru, Manuh, Raati, Chot, Kutum, Mela and Chera. Goru Bihu is celebrated on the last day of Chaitramonth. On this day, the cattle of the village are brought to a water source and are bathed and cleaned using turmeric and gram paste.We are all inherently subject to major changes in our lives just as surely...

BIRTHDAY NUMBER - The Meaning of Your Date of Birth Number

Thursday, May 29, 2008 0
BIRTHDAY NUMBER - The Meaning of Your Date of Birth Number
The Birthday Number (character number) is a kind of key to the code of fate that can play an extraordinarily important role in the construction of your life plans. The day on which you were born is marked by certain properties, they are also endowed with you.The birthday is a supporting influence added to the Life Path. Think of it as a modifier to the Life...