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Showing posts with label punishing. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2008

Righteousness (Dharma)

Friday, May 30, 2008 0
Righteousness (Dharma)
Righteousness (Dharma)य उद्धरेत्‍करं राजा प्रजा धर्मेष्‍वशिक्षयन्‌ ।प्रजानां शमलं भुङ्‌क्‍ते भगं च स्‍वं जहाति स: ।। - श्रीमद्‌भागवत ४.२१.२४ Meaning: (King Pruthu told his royal assembly) The king who levies taxes on his subjects without teaching them about Righteousness (Dharma) has to suffer for their sins and loses his opulence. - Shrimadbhagvat 4.21.24By...