GOOGLE TO BLACKLE - Google created a black version of its search engine - Your Inspirational World Die/s Every Minute You Dont Read This Article
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Friday, March 20, 2009

GOOGLE TO BLACKLE - Google created a black version of its search engine


Google Custom Search and created by Tony Heap of Heap Media

Greetings To All,,

Google is the second Brain to many of us.
We use it frequently.
It uses white screen which consumes high power.

Blackle is a website powered by Google Custom Search and created by Tony Heap of Heap Media, which aims to save energy by displaying a black background and using grayish-white font color for search results.

Read the following... ......

If Google had a black screen,taking in Account the huge number of page views,according to calculations, 750 mega watts/hour per year would be saved..!!!!! !

In response, Google created a black version of its search engine, called Blackle,with the exact same functions as the white version,but obviously with lower energy consumption:

Blackle - Energy Saving Search

Blackle. Google. Custom Search. 7,971,735.001 Watt hours saved. Make Blackle your homepage · Hide button · About Blackle|Blackle Toolbar|Privacy & Terms

Frequently asked questions about Blackle

Who owns Blackle?

Blackle is independently owned and operated by Heap Media.

How do I set or unset Blackle as my home page?

It depends which browser you are using. Here are some instructions for changing your home page setting.

Can I make my web browser use Blackle for searches?

Yes, click on the "Add to Search Bar"

What is the aim of Blackle?

The aim of Blackle is to remind people of the need to take small steps every day to save energy. We hope that the flow on effect from people using Blackle and thinking more about other things they can do to save energy will make a significant difference.

Does Blackle save energy on LCD and CRT monitors?

There are significant energy savings on black websites for LED backlit LCD, OLED and CRT monitors. CCFL backlit LCD screens are not significantly affected by display color because of their constant backlight. Since 2005 manufacturers have moved away from these CCFL backlit screens. In 2020 the majority of monitor sales are LED backlit LCD's.

Will Blackle be adding other features such as image search or a search toolbar?

We now have images search. Click on the "Image" tab at the top of the search results page. You can use Blackle as your default search engine in your browser toolbar by clicking the "Blackle Toolbar" link on the Blackle homepage. We are working on many other new features. Stay tuned...