Rudraksha (Utrasum Bead)
Elaeocarpus is a genus of tropical and subtropical evergreen trees and shrubs. The approximately 350 species are distributed from Madagascar in the west through India, Southern China, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Australia and Pacific Islands (Fiji, Solomon). Around 70% of the Ganitri trees are found in Indonesia. However, 15%-20% of the commercially grown plants are found growing in Nepal and Uttar Pradesh, India."
Elaeocarpus ganitrus is commonly called Rudraksha Tree in India, also called Ganitri Tree or Jenitri Tree in Indonesia. Its English name is Utrasum Bead Tree. This plant produces seeds known as Rudraksha, Ganitri or Jenitri. The seeds have been traditionally considered sacred in Hinduism as they are believed to be the tears of the shiva. In Sanskrit, rudra means shiva and aksh means eye. The dried seeds are used used as rosary beads and necklaces for meditation purposes.
Rudraksha beads have been used for thousands of years as an aid to self empowerment and the self enlightment. Hindus believe that rudraksha beads have healing properties and that they affect the human body when worn. Other sources also mention that Rudraksha beads are dielectrical as they store electrical energy and also possess electromagnetic properties changing with the variation in the number of faces on the beads. These faces are called "mukhis", ie clefts on the surface of the beads. The number of mukhis on the surface of a rudraksha bead helps in determining its quality. According to the number of mukhis the rudrakasha bead ranges from single face to a several faced bead. Asian yogis and monks found that merely wearing the rudraksha beads gave them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind.
Rudraksha Beads - Hinduism's 'Miracle Bead'
Rudrakshas have been worn by Hindu Sadhus (holymen) and Gurus since the last 5000 years. Hindus believe that rudraksha beads will bless the wearer with with health, wealth, intelligence, luck, divinity, power, prosperity, happiness, spirituality and anything else you desire in life. It has the power and ability to bless the wearer/worshipper with almost everything he/she desires. It is truly a 'Miracle Bead'for most Hindus.
The English name for Rudraksha tree is `utrasum bead tree.' The trees are of medium height and the fruit on them is like a walnut, having a cover, with a Rudraksha inside. These tress are generally found in India, Nepal, Indonesia and some other countries of North Asia.
Story Behind Rudraksha
Rudraksha means `Tears of Lord Shiva' in Hindi.
According to Hindu mythology, some time ago a Demon named Tripura Sur became very powerful and invincible. Lord Brahma, Vishnu and other Deities approached Lord Shiva and requested him to help them to conquer this Devil and destroy him.
Lord Shiva decided to use one of his most special fire weapon called `Aaghor' that had the energy to destroy everything. When Lord Shiva was using this forceful weapon to destroy the Demon, he could not open his eyes, and when he did, his eyes were watering, and a few drops fell on the earth.
Wherever Lord Shiva's tears fell, trees grew, and bore the fruit of Rudraksha.
Power of Rudrakshas
Hindus believe that these beads have countless & amazing powers to bless the wearer with all material comforts & luxuries of life, fulfill all desires & wishes, and achieve all ambitions & objectives. It also has the cosmic power to lead a person on to the right path of spiritual advancement, elevation of soul, performance of good 'karmas' and improvement of future & destiny.
Rudrakshas create tremendous positive energy in the body, mind and soul.
1. They possess healing powers and prevent & cure various diseases like small pox, epilepsy, whooping cough etc. They are also used to heal the most poisonous wounds. In India, many 'Ayurvedic' pharmaceutical companies use them in preparation of medicines.
2. Rudrakshas help in eradicating worries and bless the wearer with Mental relaxation and Peace of mind.
3. Rudraksha beads bestow Wealth & Happiness on whoever possesses them. They bring Good fortune, Success and Fame. They fulfill all hopes & desires, and bless the wearer with all comforts of life.
4. Rudrakshas stimulate the mind, increase the intellect, improve the power of speech & oration. They also helps in acquiring the power of Intuition.
5. Rudrakshas create positive mental energy and generate spiritual power. They help in awakening the 'Kundalini' or vital energies & propel the cosmic forces in one's favor. They are considered the most sacred instruments for offering obeisance and praying to God.
Rudraksha comes in many sizes and faces also called “mukhis” meaning “the clefts or furrows on the surface”. There are upto 38 mukhis or faces found on Rudraksha but Rudrakshas of 1 to 14 mukhis are the most commonly available ones. Each mukhi Rudraksha has unique properties and provides various scientific, medical and spiritual benefits. Rudraksha comes in four basic shades: fair, light brown, dark brown and black.
ONE MUKHI RUDRAKSHA - With Golden Pendant & Red Thread
This type of Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Shiva himself .Generally it comes in the shape of cashew nut or half moon. The owner of this possession shall always have prosperity and fortune worldly pleasures, success, power, victory over enemy .Good social and financial status and positive worldly perspectives are bestowed upon wearing one mukhi Rudraksha. One mukhi Half Moon clears the Consciousness of the possessor. It also improves concentration and mental constitution of the wearer. It is said that the wearer enjoys all comforts of life and remains unattached if he possesses this bead.
Mantra : ' Om Namaha Shivaya, Om Hreem Namaha '
Ruling Planet : ' Sun '
Contents - Half Moon Shaped One Mukhi Rudraksha - One pc.
- Golden Plated Silver Pendant
- Red Thread
- All above items packed in a beautiful jewellery Box
Representing Diety - Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet - Sun (Surya)
Beej Mantra for One Mukhi Rudraksha- " Om Hreem Namah "
Description - One Mukhi Rudraksha is like Lord Shiva himself. This is the most sought after rudraksha also known as " Divine Bead " . A round one mukhi rudraksha is extremely rare and therefore the " One Mukhi Rudraksha " is normally referred as a Kaju Shaped one also known as " Half Moon Shaped One Mukhi Rudraksha ". Blessings of Goddess Malalaxmi shower on the house where a One Mukhi Rudraksha is worshipped. This rudraksha fulfills all desires and brings Prosperity, Luck, Fortune, Worldly pleasures as well as Salvation to its wearer. Lord Shiva himself is pleased with the wearer of this Rudraksha and any obstacles in his path are removed thereby enabling him to lead a Rich and Powerful Life.
Powers of One Mukhi Rudraksha - This is the supreme rudraksha for anyone who want to enjoy all the worldly blessings as well as get devoted to the supreme power. A person wearing this rudraksha becomes Fearless and no amount of negative powers or enemity can affect him. The power of concentration increases, all his sins are destroyed and a feeling of contentment and happiness comes along with Spirituality. The wearer of this rudraksha begins to feel a detachment from worldy affairs and his inclination towards the supreme power i.e. God increases. This is the only rudraksha that provides Health, Wealth and Happiness in true sense as it also enhances the Spiritual Growth of the wearer.
Planetary Powers of One Mukhi Rudraksha - The ruling planet of this rudraksha is Sun which is the source of energy for the entire world. A person wearing this rudraksha becomes Charismatic and Radiant like Sun and his fame and fortune increases due to blessing of the Sun. Also any negative aspects of a wrong placement of Sun in ones horoscope are nullified by wearing this rudraksha. This rudraksha is specially beneficial in diseases of Right Eye, Headaches, Liver problems, heart , bowel and skin problems.
Who should wear this Rudraksha - This rudraksha is a blessing for all adults and everyone should try to wear or keep this rudraksha in the Puja. It is very helpful for those who want to meditate or those who need higher level of concentration like Doctors, Engineers, Businessman and Leaders. Also all those people who want to protect themselves from the emotional trauma caused by the daily ups and downs of life should definitely wear this Rudraksha.
Way of wearing : One Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn around the neck or alternately it can be kept in the place of worship after performing the " Pran Pratishtha Puja " before wearing it for the first time.
Two mukhi or face Rudraksha symbolizes the unite form of Shiva Parvati , also commonly known as Arthanareshwor. It harbors immense mystical power. Vedic scriptures boost about the belief that two mukhi Rudraksha carries the entire evolution of cosmos within it and thus it is a special blessing to mankind. Two natural lines or faces are found on two mukhi Rudraksha which is its key identification. It comes in oval shape. Besides Hindus, it is also considered extremely sacred by Vaishnavaites. Vaishnavism religion perceives it as the symbol of Lord Vishnu. The use of two two- mukhi Rudraksha beads fastened around a red thread activates its immense power for reaping maximum benefits.
Mantra : ' Om Shiva Shaktihi Namaha '
Ruling Planet : ' Moon '
Description :A two mukhi Rudraksha has two natural lines(facets or Mukh) it jointly represents Lord Shiva (Rudra) & Goddess Parvati. They are known as ArdhaNareeshwara. This in turn represents unity. It is said that Two-faced (2 mukhi) Rudraksha removes the differences of opinions between the Teacher & the pupil, the father and the son, the husband and the wife, and friends, it establishes unity between them.
Symbol of : ArdhaNareeshwara
Ruling Planet : Moon
Recommended for : Left Eye Defect, Diseases of
Heart, Lung,Brain, Kidney and Intestine.
Mantras : Om Namah
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Taking three beads of the two faced Rudraksha and fastening them with red thread and touching it with the idols of Lord Shiva & goddess Parvati (Shakti) and chanting the mantra 2 Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn around the neck.
Three mukhi Rudraksha represents the God Agni hence the divine power of god has been collectively blended into it making it very sacred, powerful and the most sought after possession. Like fire, the divine weapon of god Agni engulfs every powerful objects and beings, it engulfs past sins and helps in purifying a soul. With this opens up the door to wisdom for humans to acknowledge and worship the supremacy of his almighty.
Mantra : ' Om Kleem Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Mars '
Description :Three-faced (3 mukhi) Rudraksha represents Agni Devta (Fire God). As Fire destroys impurities without being affected so does the three-faced (3 mukhi) Rudraksha. It helps to destroy the malefic effects like Negativity, Impure thoughts, and is ideal for a person suffering from inferiority complex, subjective fear, guilt, depression, bad luck & negativity. Three-faced (3 mukhi) Rudraksha also curbs Anger and is said to be effective in boosting Self-confidence of the wearer. It also lessens the ill effects of bad luck.
Symbol of : God Agni (Fire)
Ruling Planet : Mars (mangal).
Recommended for : Blood defect, plague, small pox, digestive problems, blood pressure, weakness, disturbed menstrual cycle, spontaneous abortion and ulcer.
Mantras : Om Kleem Namah,
Om Namah Shivaya
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Taking three beads of the three faced Rudraksha, wash them with the Ganga jal and unboiled milk, Chanting the mantra wear them in the neck.
Four mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Brahma and is also worshipped as the symbol of Chaturanan. Visually, four linings from head to bottom are observed on four mukhi Rudraksha at equal distance. This signifies the four facets of Brahma leading to humans eternal quest for knowledge, meaning, action or fate and freedom. If a person wears it on neck or on arm, s/he can attain enormous benefits.
Mantra : ' Om Hreem Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Mercury '
Description :Four-faced (4 mukhi) Rudraksha represents the four headed "Lord Brahma". Being influenced by the creative wisdom of the four headed Lord Brahma, it gives the wearer the creative power and provides him learning and knowledge.The four-faced (4 mukhi) Rudraksha helps its possessor to develop the power of Creativity, originality, concentration, awareness & memorizing.This is ideal for Students, Artists, Writers, Professionals, Journalists, scientists, scholars, architects, businesspersons, designers, etc.
Symbol of : Lord Brahma
Ruling Planet : Mercury (Budh).
Recommended for :Mental disease, paralysis, yellow fever, and nasal disease
Mantras : Om Hreem Namaha
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Taking three beads of four faced Rudraksha fasten them in a red thread, wash it with the Ganga water and unboiled milk, paint it with the sandal wood and wear it chanting the mantra.
As the representation of Lord of Living creature, five mukhi Rudraksha is also known to symbolize the form of Pancheswor or Panchmukhi Shiva. It also represents another form of Shiva termed as Kaalagni. Since the ancient times the users and wearers of five mukhi Rudraksha had accumulated maximum physical and materialistic benefits with the eternal blessings from Lord Shiva. Many documented evidences have solidly cemented the belief of Shiva devotees that no matter how deeply one sinks into the depth of failure or loose hope and faith in life or is engulfed by worldly miseries or is at the verge of bankruptcy or mental breakdown, five mukhi Rudraksha always comes forth in the form of a guiding angel for the welfare of mankind as a gift from Lord Shiva.
Mantra : ' Om Hreem Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Mars '
Description :A Rudraksha with five faces represents Lord Shiva/ Rudra himself. Its name is Kalagni. It is said that it bestows all sorts of salvation & achievement of desired objects. It is said that it also monitors blood pressure & is also used for Japa.
Symbol of : Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet : Jupiter (Guru).
Recommended for : Bone Marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh,Ear, diseases of fat and Diabetes.
Mantras : Om Hreem Namah
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Taking three beads of 5 faced rudraksha equal to the size of Amla and string in red thread. It should be worn after touching it to Shivalinga and chanting the mantra.
Six mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes God Kumar, most commonly known as Kartikey. It possesses divine power with the blessings of Kartikey. Even goddess Parvati has graced six mukhi Rudraksha with her eternal blessings.It enhances concentration, mental sharpness, will power, sexual harmony, self-confidence, self-esteem and personality. It blesses the wearer with the key to success, glory, fame, physical strength, luxury, wisdom, wealth, name, power, blissful marital life, family harmony, charismatic personality, prosperity, good career prospect and positive perspectives towards life
Mantra : ' Om Hreem Hum Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Venus '
Description :A 6 mukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord Kartikeya (second son of lord Shiva). When invoked it blesses the wearer with wisdom & helps develop a stable mind. It helps to control nervousness, anxiety, tenseness, uneasiness & increases will power. It is recommended for executives, journalists, editors, students, managers and businesspersons.
Symbol of : Lord Kartikeya
Ruling Planet : Venus (Shukra).
Recommended for :Eyes, Reproductive Organs,Urinary Tract,Prostate, Mouth and Throat.
Mantras : Om Hreem Hoom Namaha
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Taking three beads of Six faced Rudraksha and stringing them into a red thread and meditating upon Swami Kartikeya it should be worn chanting the mantra. It is ideal to be worn on right hand.
Seven mukhi Rudraksha is regarded as the representation of Saptarishi (Seven Greatest Sage). Vaishnavism belief that seven mukhi Rudraksha represents Avanta, the king of serpents who is believed to be the incarnate of Lord Shiva himself. Each face on the Rudraksha represents one great serpent. Energized beads can be placed in a locker containing money and other financial assets or in a prayer room to reap positive output.It releases a man from poverty and miseries. Its use is especially beneficial for those who are into business.
Mantra : ' Om Hum Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Saturn '
Description :Seven-faced (7 mukhi) Rudraksha represents Goddess Mahalaxmi. Goddess Mahalaxmi is the Goddess of wealth & prosperity. It is said that the possessor of Seven-faced (7 mukhi) Rudraksha is blessed with prosperity & wealth. It helps the wearer in overcoming financial crisis. It can also be kept in cash box. It is a must for everyone.
Symbol of : Goddess Mahalaxmi
Ruling Planet : Saturn (Shani).
Recommended for : Weakness, colic pain, handicap ness, pain in bone and muscles, paralysis, long term disease, impotency, worries and hopelessness.
Mantras : Om Hoom Namaha
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Take two beads of seven faced rudraksha stringed into a red thread and wear it chanting the mantra. It can also be kept in safe (lockers & cash box) after chanting these mantras.
Eight mukhi Rudraksha is the symbolization of Lord Ganesh. It has eight linings displayed on its surface.One can just wear one bead of eight mukhi Rudraksha for attaining anticipated results for any new work.It is coupled with numerous gains leading to physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It works wonders for people who are accident-prone. It keeps one away from unpredictable accident, misfortunes, obstacles and miseries.
Mantra : ' Om Ganeshaya Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Rahu '
Description :Eight-faced (8 mukhi) Rudraksha represents Lord Ganesha in 8 forms (Ashtvinayaka). Lord Ganesha is known as the “Vigna Harta” according to the Vedic Shastras, which means “destroyer of obstacles”. Hence, the Eight-faced (8 mukhi) Rudraksha helps to overcome obstacles & brings success in all directions.Its possessor tends to progress and his difficulties tend to diminish. Eight mukhi Rudraksha is recommended for the Business community & Individuals facing regular obstacles in life.
Symbol of : Lord Ashtavinayaka (Ganesha)
Ruling Planet : Dragons head (Rahu).
Recommended for : Lung, feet, skin and eye catarrh Isis, hydrocel,airtracia.
Mantras : Om Ganeshaya Namah Om Hum Namah
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Only one bead of eight Mukhi rudraksha is enough to be worn. It is stringed only in red thread.
A nine mukhi Rudraksha represents goddess Durga, a symbol of power and courage. It is believed to possess power of nine deities, also called Navadurga. It also represents god Yama, god of death and sage Kapila. Based on the scientific researches, Hindu scripture proudly boosts that the use of nine mukhi Rudraksha on a body specially if worn stimulates the hormonal function of the body and this enhances mental alertness and sharpness, physical strength, mental peace, spiritual gain, concentration power, patience, control over anger and fear and communication skills.
Mantra : ' Om Hreem Hum Namaha '
Ruling Planet : ' Ketu '
Ten mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Vishnu and is also believed to represent Dusavatar meaning seven incarnations of Lord Vishnu. In Shiva Purana there is a detailed mention of how everyone irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality and gender can use ten mukhi Rudraksha for attaining fame and success in carrier. Srimaddevibhagavat have also sung songs of praises on ten mukhi Rudraksha for its divine contribution in rescuing mankind from worldly sufferings, miseries, misfortunes, evil power and adverse planetary effects.
Mantra : ' Om Hreem Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Jupiter '
Description :Ten-faced (10 mukhi) Rudraksha represents Lord Vishnu (operator of the universe).The wearer of Ten-faced (10 mukhi) Rudraksha is protected from evil eye; it works as a shield (kavach) against evil.Ten-faced (10 mukhi) Rudraksha helps to overcome negativity, fear & helps to develop a sound mind. Ten-faced (10 mukhi) Rudraksha protects its possessor from black magic & other kinds of evil practices. It is very effective for success in administrative and legal processes. Ten mukhi Rudraksha is also worn in combination with Seven mukhi for amassing wealth as they together become the form of Lord Laxmi Narayan (the god & goddess of wealth). Excellent For Narayan Bhaktas(devotees)
Symbol of : Lord Vishnu
Ruling Planet :
Recommended for :Pacifying nine planets.
Mantras : Shree Narayanaaye Namah Shree Vishnavai Namah
Om Hreem Namah Namah
Day of wearing : Sunday Way of wearing :Take one bead of ten faced Rudraksha string it in a red thread after capping it in gold or silver and wear it chanting the mantra.

Vedic scriptures state that eleven mukhi Rudraksha represents the eleven forms of Lord Shiva also called Akads Rudra. Amongst the eleven forms of Lord Shiva, the eleventh form is Lord Hanuman. According to the ancient religious texts, several great sages have worn eleven mukhi Rudraksha during their meditation for spiritual quest. Moreover, it is regarded very auspicious in religious rituals. Hindu belief is rooted on a perception that whoever wears eleven mukhi Rudraksha, s/he shall attain all the eleven heavenly virtues of Lord Eleven.
Mantra : ' Om Hreem Hum Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Jupiter '
Description :Eleven-Faced (11 Mukhi) Rudraksha represents the 11th Rudra i.e “Lord Hanuman”. When invoked, eleven-faced (11 mukhi) Rudraksha blesses the possessor with strength, wisdom, right judgment, powerful vocabulary, adventurous life & success. It is said that the eleven-faced (11 mukhi) Rudraksha reduces the chances of accidents & keeps evil at bay; Eleven-faced (11 mukhi) Rudraksha also helps its possessor in becoming courageous, prevents accidental death & and helps the wearer to lead an active & a healthy life. Eleven-faced (11 mukhi) Rudraksha is also said to be useful for people undertaking meditation & yoga practices as it helps in maintaining physical fitness.
Symbol of : Lord Hanuman
Ruling Planet :
Recommended for : Maintenance of entire neurophysiology.
Mantras : Om Shree Rudray Namah Om Hreem Hum Namah
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Take one bead of eleven faced Rudraksha, cap in gold or silver and string in a red thread. It should be touched to the Shivalinga and should be worn chanting the mantra.
Srimaddevibhagavat regards twelve mukhi Rudraksha as a representation of Lord Sun. Hence, it is the embodiment of twelve different facets of god Surya. Twelve virtues of god Surya are light of universal friendship, light of compelling radiance, dispeller of darkness or ignorance, shining principle, all pervading light, light of mystic fire, golden colored one healing gold, light obvious and subtle as at dawn and dusk, light of the sage an aspect of Vishnu, light of enlightenment, light that removes afflictions and brilliance the light of intelligence.
Lord sun blesses an owner of twelve mukhi Rudraksha with a life of a Rich people surrounded by unlimited luxury, wealth and authority.
Mantra : ' Aum Kraum Sraum Raum Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Sun '
Description :The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is the Center of Brilliancy and Lustre and Radiance and Strength of 12 forms of the God The Sun (SURYA). The wearer of this Rudraksha gets the quality of Surya to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. This Rudraksha gives knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures and is found miraculously effective. It is said that the wearer of the twelve-faced (12 mukhi) Rudraksha is blessed with administrative capacity & decision making; it increases self-confidence & motivation. It is effective for politicians, administrators, business persons, and executives. Twelve mukhi Rudraksha is a must for people seeking fame & recognition in their field & also for people who wish to enhance their leadership qualities.
Symbol of : Lord Sun(Surya)
Ruling Planet : Sun (Surya)
Recommended for :Heart Disease, Lung Disease, Skin Disease, Hiatus of Stomach, Esophagus, and Bowel Problems.
Mantras : Shree Suryay Namah Om Krow(ing) Kshow(ing) Row(ing) Namah
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Take one bead of twelve faced Rudraksha, it should be capped in gold or silver and stringed in red thread and wear in neck chanting the mantra.
As a representation of god is know as Lord Indra, thirteen mukhi Rudraksha possesses divine power. Therefore, it inherits virtues like love, affection, beauty and attraction as its attributes.
It empowers a person with an ability to woo another individual with irresistible charisma. Its wearer or user will further have a power to control her/his own destiny. Besides humans, animals will also remain bewitched and besotted under the influence of the wearer's spell. Thirteen mukhi Rudraksha unfolds immense spiritual gain, success, physical and mental strength, good luck, power of authority, charismatic personality, honor, employment opportunity, wealth, worldly pleasures, high level of social and financial status and glory .
Mantra : ' Om Hreem Namah '
Ruling Planet : ' Mars '
Description :Thirteen-faced (13 mukhi) Rudraksha represents Lord Kamdev, the Lord of attraction, desires & comforts. It is said that when invoked the wearer receives the blessings of Lord Kamdev & gets all possible comforts of life. The Thirteen-faced (13 mukhi) Rudraksha is an excellent tool for businessmen in attracting more clients towards them. It is excellent for men/women who wish to enhance Charisma, Attraction, Magnetism, Brilliance, and appeal. It is ideal for seekers of Name and Fame, people having political ambitions.
Symbol of : Lord Indra & Lord Kamdev (Lord Of Pleasure, luxuries& desires)
Ruling Planet : Venus
Recommended for :Meditation and spiritual attainments.
Mantras : Om Hreem Namaha
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Taking one bead of thirteen faced rudraksha, it should be strung on red thread and washed with Spring Water or unboiled milk. Then it must be worn chanting the mantra.
Fourteen mukhi Rudraksha represents Hanuman. It fosters positive Fourteen mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes lord Shiva. Its very precious divine power makes it very special and rare. Shiva Purana praises about how fourteen mukhi Rudraksha rules the cosmic world and humans and is regarded as a favorite possession not just by humans but also by gods and goddesses. Its properties have been compared to the power of Lord Shiva. In Srimaddevibhagavat, Narayan has glorified the importance of fourteen mukhi with special emphasis on wearing it to attain spiritual freedom and the virtues of Lord Shiva himself. Rudraksha. Even Mantramaharnava has revealed that upon wearing fourteen mukhi Rudraksha beads, great intuition power overpowers a person and then s/he shall be able to predict and foresee the future.
Mantra : ' Om Shivaya Namaha '
Ruling Planet : ' Saturn '
Description :Fourteen-faced (14 mukhi) Rudraksha is a divine gem- Deva Mani. It represents Lord Shiva. The wearer’s power of intuition and sixth sense awakens due to strengthening of Ajna chakra and the possessor is able to take right steps in right directions. It is also said that when invoked it helps the wearer in forecasting future events. Fourteen-faced (14 mukhi) Rudraksha protects against evil spirits and black magic.14 mukhi is the best possible tool to increase the benefit effects & reduce the negative effects of shani / planet Saturn, in one's horoscope.
Symbol of : Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet : Saturn
Recommended for : Safety and riches.
Mantras : Om Namah Shivaye
Day of wearing : Monday
Way of wearing : Fourteen faced Rudraksha should be capped in gold or silver and stringed in red thread and wear in neck or be kept on the worshipping place chanting the mantra.
A Rudraksha with fifteen mukhi is the representation of Lord Pashupatinath. This is a very rare Rudraksha. Its attributes and benefits resemble that of the fourteen mukhi Rudrakshas. Since the ancient times fifteen mukhi Rudraksha is placed in a very sacred place like prayer room or puja room. Om Namah Shivaya should be chanted while wearing or using this Rudraksha. This shall help in evoking the divine power of the Rudraksha.
Mantra : ' Om Pashupataya Namaha '
Ruling Planet : ' Rahu '
Description :Fifteen-faced Rudraksha represents Lord Pashupatinath. This Rudraksha bead helps channelise thoughts and remain focused. It is said that the wearer’s power of intuition and sixth sense awakens and helps him to take right steps in right directions. It is also said that when invoked it helps the wearer in forecasting future events. It increases attentiveness and energy, power and vigor. It is beneficial for economic and monetary progress.
Symbol of : Lord Pashupati
Recommended for : Improving intuitive, Abstract and Lateral thinking.
Mantras : “Om Namah Shivay”
Sixteen mukhi Rudraksha represent two gods Hari and Shankar meaning Lord Vishnu and Shiva. Therefore, it is the symbol of victory. It is regarded as very rare type of Rudraksha beads. In ancient religious texts, saints and sages have advised to place sixteen mukhi Rudraksha beads in a sacred place like a puja room, meaning a prayer room for enveloping the hose with positive energy, harmony, peace and prosperity. Om Namah Shivaya is the key mantra for energizing sixteen mukhi Rudraksha beads along with the worshipping of gods by presenting various offerings.
Mantra : ' Om Namaha Shivaya '
Ruling Planet : ' Ketu '
Description :This Rudraksha is called Jai (victory) Rudraksha and the wearer attains victory at all levels. It is said that it helps the wearer to arise victorious in new undertakings, in existing tasks & undertakings & in other spheres of life. It is a very rare Rudraksha. It protects the wearer as well as the house in which it is kept. It helps the entire family to attain victory in all directions.
Symbol of : Vishnu and Shiva
Recommended for : Diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, or-pulmonale and the lung diseases
Mantras : “Om Namah Shivay”
It is formed by the union of two Rudraksha and hence symbolizes Shiva Shakti that is combined form of Shiva and Parvati. It evokes maximum positive results and fulfills every desire if kept either inside a puja room Its use brings in family harmony, contentment, happiness and peace.
Description :Gauri Shankar Rudraksha represents Lord Shiv and Goddess Parvati. This Rudraksha maintains family unity and relation between husband and wife. It is an excellent Rudraksha to maintain relationships. It also helps in meditation.This powerful bead is worn by sages to unite with the Lord through meditation.
Symbol of : Lord Shiv and Goddess Parvati.
Ruling Planet : Moon
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