Lord Venkateswara (Sanskrit: वेङ्कटेश्वर, IAST: Vēṅkaṭēśvara), also known as Śrīnivāsa, Bālājī, Vēṅkaṭa, Venkata Ramana, Vēṅkaṭāchalapati, Tirupati ... - Your Inspirational World Die/s Every Minute You Dont Read This Article
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Friday, May 16, 2008

Lord Venkateswara (Sanskrit: वेङ्कटेश्वर, IAST: Vēṅkaṭēśvara), also known as Śrīnivāsa, Bālājī, Vēṅkaṭa, Venkata Ramana, Vēṅkaṭāchalapati, Tirupati ...

Venkateswara the king, is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Venkateswara is known to be the only God who took birth to save the people from troubles of Kaliyuga. He will reside there in the temple till the end of kaliyuga. 

Venkateswara the king, is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Venkateswara is known to be the only God who took birth to save the people from troubles of Kaliyuga. He will reside there in the temple till the end of kaliyuga.

Venkateswara literally means "Lord of Venkata". The word is a combination of the words Venkata (the name of a hill in Andhra Pradesh) and isvara ("Lord").

Venkataramana or Balaji epitomizes the feature of the Supreme godhead that preserves and sustains all things and beings in the manifested world.

Om Namo Venkateshaya Namaha:

Venkataramana or Balaji epitomizes the feature of the Supreme godhead that preserves and sustains all things and beings in the manifested world.

He is everything that is to known.In the timeless begining he was there as the one without a second. He is the Preserver or Sustainer of life, UPHOLDER OF the principles of sathya , shanthi and truth (dharma).

At the time of his divine descent, in the human form with his four arms He is shown carrying in his hands a conch (shankha), a discus (chakra) and a mace (gada). He wears a crown, two earrings, a garland (mala) of flowers around His neck and a gem (kaustuba) on his chest.

He is described having a dark colour ,representing ether, the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; the substance composing all heavenly bodies. The lower hands are stretched downwards to ask devotees to have faith and surrender to him for protection

The Sastras, Puranas, GREAT VAISHNAVAS SAINTS and Alwar hymns UNANIMOUSLY declare that, in the Kali Yuga, one can attain mukti, only by worshipping Venkata RAMANA or Sri VENKATACHAPATHI.

Lord Venkateswara (Srinivasa or Balaji) is worshipped as the incarnation of Lord Sri Narayana and hailed as the Lord of Kali Yuga! There are many legends that describe the incarnation of Maha Vishnu as Srinivasa, His marriage with Padmavati who is the incarnation of Goddess Maha Lakshmi,

Most of our ancient texts declare that one can attain moksha in Kaliyuga only by worshipping Lord Sri Venkateswara.

This is good news for the spiritual seekers.

Also for the MATERIALISTIC PEOPLE, Lord Venkateswara will bestow prosperity and wealth in abundance to devotees who VISIT THIS TEMPLE REGULARLY.

In general , Time flies by thick and fast fast like a stormy wind and man's life is melting away quickly like a block of ice in the sun. Everything around is undergoing sea change, but man's perception of the world remain unchanged. Obsessed with the external senses, preoccupied with the acquisition of material objects, man's life is becoming stressed out everyday and man is losing his mental balance. Anxiety, fear, suspicion are dominating him.

In the kaliyuga only the darshan of Lord balaji and his constant remembrance can take away man from the above mentioned problems. Hence our temple would endeavor to provide the much needed spiritual support.

So Lord has everything to give for all kinds of seekers.

Lord Venkateswara has four hands. In the upper right hand, he holds the Chakra (wheel), meaning the wheel of time.

In the upper left, he has a Sankha (conch), which resembles (OM) signifying the four Vedas.

The right lower hand is directed towards his feet, a sign to the bhaktas to surrender to him in all their troubled times.

The lower left hand rests on the left thigh, telling the devotees that the cycle of births and deaths is just knee deep and he would take care of those who totally surrender to him with intense devotion and forgive their mistakes.

Garuda is his Vahana (Vehicle). Favourite prasadam to Lord Venkatachalapathi include laadu, vada, adai, tamarind rice and curd rice.


Sri BALAJI IS eternally BLISSFUL. HE is Sath – Chith - Ananda (Being-Awareness- Bliss). HIS bliss is everlasting, more effulgent than the sun, whiter and purer than snow, subtler than ether in space, BALAJI RESIDES in all, permeating the entire cosmos and shining in every atom.

BALAJI is joy, love and bliss. all the multifarious manifestations are the projections of his own Reality. This expansion of BALAJI gives supreme Ananda (bliss).

IN THIS TEMPLE you will experience the ineffable and permanent joy of the LORD BALAJI.

if you visit the temple frequently, Your lives will become a continuous saga of bliss and peace.

To fall in love with BLISSFUL BALAJI is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him, the greatest adventure; and to find Him, the greatest human achievement." And imagine how easy this whole process can be; Life, then, becomes an unbelievable blissful dream. You will get a real state of this when YOU VISIT TEMPLE.

Supreme Bliss of Balaji IS THE goal of all beings, the great treasure covetable by everyone, the incomparable abode. All beings live by partaking of a small jot of this Divine Bliss. Even the totality of the happiness of the whole world is a minute drop or aspect of the Bliss of BLISS. Hence, divine happiness, The Bliss of BALAJI is an undivided essence, absolute in nature. The abode of BALAJI is the eternal form of unlimited Bliss: Thus, only BALAJI is the supreme form of God. So, remember Him adore Him and experience His Divine BLISS HE is the ‘Bliss of the Bliss. SO OUR MOOLOVAR DEITY IS CALLED BLISSFUL BALAJI.

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