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Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts

Thursday, May 08, 2008

What Job Suits Me?

Thursday, May 08, 2008 0
What Job Suits Me?

What Job Suits Me?

What Job Suits Me?


A Degree with No Job, Where Do I Start?

You have just graduated, and you are wondering "what job suits me"? Ideally, this should not have occurred if there was sufficient self-awareness and planning. That’s all water under the bridge now. Let’s move on to find a solution for it.

Before I move on to answer the question “What job suits me?”, I need you to first understand a few points.

The answer to the question "what job suits me" is simple, though the journey may not be as simple. That is something you have to keep in mind. I write this with experience. I have had many interview candidates passing through my door asking this question. Frustrating as it maybe, I have always used this as an opportunity to counsel them.

What job suits me? Here is my answer.

1. Think Positive - As You Think So You Are

I know it is tough not to have a job, and you're raring to go and build a career. Look at it this way; you have a degree. A qualification, regardless of how you look at it. How many people can claim that? All the things that you learned in these courses mean something to some employers out there. Think hard, surf the net to see who are in need of your skills. When you get ideas you won't feel so lost. You will begin to see hints of answers to what job suits you.

What if you don’t have a degree? Look at what qualifications you have. Think hard about those. What if you do not have any qualifications? Then think about what quality courses you can take, no matter how short it is, even if it is a certificate course. These will usually build into more skills and knowledge and start opening doors.

What if you have no money? Then, start low. Take an entry-level job to save up money. Tell yourself, this is but a step to finding the answer to what job suits me. The world conspires to help you achieve your dreams only if you are willing to sacrifice. How much commitment do you have in finding the answer to the question of “What job suits me?”.

2. Think Interest, Feel The Passion

Grab a job that closest reflects what interests you and your knowledge. Do you like working in an office? If it is an office setting, what industry could it be? List it down and give yourself some criteria that helps you short-list the choices. It can be as simple as distance, size of company, type of industry, reasonable expected salary and so on and so forth.

Interest and passion is what will eventually guide you in your quest for the answer to "what job suits me". It’s tough to start but once you start, the small answers will eventually cumulate into a big answer. Say for example, you like meeting people, there are jobs out there that permits you that – a hotel receptionist, a salesperson, a tour guide, or even a bus driver job allows for that. Dig deep. No job is too small for anyone. Not especially if you are on a quest to find out what job suits you.

3. Start Somewhere

Ideally, you have a list of criteria, but experience tells me more often than not, that there will still be people who are too lazy to do that. Even after reading this, you are still looking for hints of a short cut. Let me remind you that there are no short cuts to "what job suits me".

What I can say is start somewhere. Shrink your ego and swallow your pride. Get an entry-level job. So what if you have to start at the very bottom? Do it, it may not be what you want but it will give you some sense of self-awareness – what you like and don’t like.

It may even provide you with real lessons in life like humility, honesty and being hard-working Lessons are important in the journey of life.

4. Career Building Is A Journey

There is no need to rush. Yes, easier said than done but sometimes what seems to you as fumbling around is actually opportunities presenting itself. There are lessons to be learned everywhere and everyone we come in contact with can teach us a lesson or two. We just have to be conscious of it and learn from it.

Get into a temporary job that interests you. As you start, you will get to know people and soon one thing will lead to another. You will discover new strengths and interests and the opportunity will present itself. Therein may lie the answer "to what job suits me". Don't be afraid of being slow, worry only when you stop. Always keep walking.

To round this up, I have currently two staff working with me with qualifications totally unrelated to advertising. One has a B.Sc in Biotech, and another a B.Sc in Entomology. They too ‘fumbled’ through their careers. One has 10 years experience that started her career in a construction firm and eventually, advertising. The other started in a gift company before joining me, is only 2 years in advertising. They are doing very well in advertising and are even considered stars in my department.

It's all good. While there are no straight and simple answer to "what job suits me", the answer is always there to be discovered. Importantly, it can be discovered. Just make sure you have the stamina to take the journey and challenges.

Keep walking and good luck!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Positive Energy+Life

Sunday, May 04, 2008 0
Positive Energy+Life

Positive Energy+Life

Positive Energy+Life

Positive energy can attract what you want in life; positive energy will help you achieve your goals. Here's 10 ways to be a positive person, and how attraction works.

How does positive energy affect life? The law of attraction states that we transmit positive and negative energy constantly. Others pick up on positive energy and gravitate towards us or pick up on negative energy and are repelled by us. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is the most recent incarnation of the Law of Attraction - recently described on the Oprah Winfrey show - which states that like attracts like.

Positive energy can help you achieve your goals.

How do you know if you're emitting positive energy? The best – and easiest – way to know is by looking at the people in your life. Are they encouraging and uplifting, or are they draining away your energy? (Those energy vampires will get you every time).

You're emitting positive energy when you:

Stay in touch with your dark side and weaknesses, and are willing to grow towards healing and strength. Positive energy is about movement.

See the positive qualities in other people. Positive energy values other positive qualities.

Feel compassion towards yourself and the world (we're all doing the best we can!).

Listen to – and try to understand – other perspectives, regardless of how different. Positive energy is open minded.

Give the benefit of the doubt. Positive people don't judge quickly.

Express your true self in thoughts and actions, gently and honestly (and free others to do the same!). Positive energy is honest.

Share your negative thoughts and emotions. Positive energy admits the negative.

Celebrate the success and happiness of other people. Positive energy appreciates success.

Feel fear and defeat, and keep persevering anyway. Positive energy doesn't deny negative emotions.

Follow your dreams and desires

You're not emitting positive energy when you:

Ignore your dark side and weaknesses (and then act them out). Negative energy isn't up front.

Focus on other people's mistakes and weaknesses. Negative energy is critical.

Obsess about being perfect; whether it's at work, at home, or with your appearance (or other people!). Negative energy strives for perfection.

Try to change other people's perspectives and opinions. Negative energy wants everyone to be of one mind.

Try to please people constantly and ignore your own needs. Negative energy isn't balanced.

Let other people's moods and energy dictate your own.

Swallow your negative thoughts and emotions.

Resent the successes and joys of others. Negative energy is jealous.

Allow fear and cynicism to harden your heart and color your perspective. Negative energy revolves around fear and bitterness.

Ignore your goals, plans, and passions. Negative energy suffocates your dreams.

How Positive Energy Affects Your Life: Perfection and Popularity.

People with positive energy are determined to do their best, and to see the best in the world around them. People with positive energy don't focus on "should have" or idealized, perfect expectations that are impossible to live up to. People with positive energy have an open heart and a sense of humor. People with positive energy don't care about being popular or keeping up with the Jones's – and they stay in touch with their hearts and souls. People with positive energy achieve their goals.

How Positive Energy Affects Your Life: Failures and Disagreements

People with positive energy make mistakes and own up to them. They keep lines of communication open, opting for discussion and connection – and people with positive energy are satisfied with "agreeing to disagree." Failures and disagreements don't faze people with positive energy, because they know they're part of living and working with humans!

7 Tips for Meditation

Sunday, May 04, 2008 0
7 Tips for Meditation

7 Tips for Meditation

7 Tips for Meditation

Through meditation we can bring about greater peace of mind and powers of concentration. The length of time we meditate is not as important as the focus we give during our meditation. If we can meditate with a silent mind for 5 minutes we can bring to the fore our own divine qualities of inner peace and inner happiness. This is an inner joy independent of any outer success or outer prosperity.

When offering meditation classes for the Sri Chinmoy Centre. I offer these 7 tips which will help us to meditate more successfully.

1. Quite The Mind

The Goal of meditation is to go beyond the mind. Meditation cannot be done by thinking. All the different paths of meditation share this common feature of cultivating a silent mind. When our mind is silent we can start to enter a new consciousness, a consciousness not limited by the intellectual mind. With a quiet mind we will experience peace
"I meditateSo that I can inundate My entire being With the omnipotent Power of peace."

2. Concentration

In whatever we do,we will be more successful if we can concentrate fully on the task in hand. This means being single pointed. When we meditate we need to switch off from everything else and put all our attention onto the meditation.

3. Place to Meditate

It is very helpful to find a Quiet Place to meditate every day. I have a small corner of my room specially set aside for meditation. You can use a picture of a saint or Teacher who inspires you. Or just use flowers and a candle. If you meditate in the same place every day it builds up a meditative atmosphere.

4. Aspiration

Aspiration to meditate. If we are hungry then we are eat. It is the same with meditation if we are not satisfied with what we have and would like to discover the inner peace within ourselves then we will be motivated to meditate every day. This aspiration or inner cry is perhaps more important than learning many techniques.

5. Perseverance and Patience

In the beginning we cannot expect results overnight, each time we meditate we are adding to our capacity's even if we don't have great experiences then we need to persevere. If we practise sincerely we will progress.

6. Use the Qualities of the Spiritual Heart

The heart is the location of the soul. If we focus on the heart, immediately our thoughts have less power. By concentrating on our heart we can enter into the vastness of meditation.

7. Cultivate Happiness

It is important to bear in mind the goal of meditation is to uplift our consciousness and have a more positive outlook about life and about ourselves. When we meditate well we will have a positive outlook on life.