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Showing posts with label Color. Show all posts

Friday, May 23, 2008

How is DNA Testing used in establishing paternity?

Friday, May 23, 2008 0
How is DNA Testing used in establishing paternity?
How is DNA Testing used in establishing paternity?

What is a DNA Test?

How is DNA Testing used in establishing paternity?

How does DNA testing work? What is genetic identity?

Looking at yourself and at your friends, neighbors, and relatives, it is obvious that we are all different. These differences are attributable to the vast diversity contained in our genetic code.

DNA, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is a molecule that contains all of your genetic code information. By examining the DNA molecule and its genetic code, the differences among individuals can be scientifically and accurately determined.

Consider DNA to be a blue print exclusive to you alone that determines many of your unique characteristics. The color of you hair eyes, bone structure, even some of your health characteristics are all determined by the genetic code contained in the DNA molecule.

How is DNA testing done? Is it easy to collect DNA?

To determine genetic identity, DNA testing is performed which analyzes certain parts of the genetic code found in each of us. DNA is contained in every cell of your body. A simple and safe method for collecting DNA containing your genetic code is to swab cheek cells from inside your mouth using a soft cotton swab. You then send the swabs containing your cheek cells back to the DNA Security DNA Testing laboratory that specializes in isolating the DNA and analyzing specific portions of the genetic code. The genetic code of individuals can then be analyzed to provide an understanding of biological relationships or to determine identity.

DNA Paternity testing is one of the most common types of DNA testing being performed today. In 1999, more than 280,000 paternity tests were conducted in the United States. The basis of a DNA paternity test is that children receive one half of their DNA from each biological parent. By using our special DNA Testing methods that compare DNA types, we can determine if a person can be the biological parent of a child.

Why use DNA Security for Paternity Testing?

DNA Security provides Paternity DNA Test Kits which allow you to gather DNA simply and safely using a cotton swab provided in our DNA Test Kit, EASY ANSWERS. Our own state-of-the-art DNA testing laboratory will perform the DNA tests appropriate to accurately determine paternity.

Establishing Paternity - How does a DNA Test work?

If a person and a child do contain matching DNA types, then a probability of paternity can be assigned. Using DNA Security's DNA testing technology, it is common for the probability of parentage to exceed 99.99%. At these levels of accuracy, assignment of paternity is certain.

If a person does not have DNA types that match the child's DNA then the person cannot be the biological parent of the child. In this case it is said that the person is excluded from being the parent of the child. This conclusion is with absolute certainty and a probability value is not assigned.

Sibling DNA testing is used to determine if two individuals are brothers, sisters, or brother and sister. Two individuals born of the same biological parents share much more of their DNA than individuals that are not related to one another. On average, full siblings (share both biological parents) have 50% of their DNA in common, half siblings (share only one biological parent) have 25% of their DNA in common. With the results of a DNA Security sibling DNA test, we can determine if two people are siblings based on the amount and specific type of DNA they have in common.

Why use DNA Security for Sibling DNA Testing?

DNA Security provides Sibling DNA Test Kits which allow you to gather DNA simply and safely using a cotton swab provided in our DNA Test Kit, EASY ANSWERS. Our own state-of-the-art DNA testing laboratory will perform the DNA tests appropriate to accurately determine sibling relationships.

Source :

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Positive Energy+Life

Sunday, May 04, 2008 0
Positive Energy+Life

Positive Energy+Life

Positive Energy+Life

Positive energy can attract what you want in life; positive energy will help you achieve your goals. Here's 10 ways to be a positive person, and how attraction works.

How does positive energy affect life? The law of attraction states that we transmit positive and negative energy constantly. Others pick up on positive energy and gravitate towards us or pick up on negative energy and are repelled by us. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is the most recent incarnation of the Law of Attraction - recently described on the Oprah Winfrey show - which states that like attracts like.

Positive energy can help you achieve your goals.

How do you know if you're emitting positive energy? The best – and easiest – way to know is by looking at the people in your life. Are they encouraging and uplifting, or are they draining away your energy? (Those energy vampires will get you every time).

You're emitting positive energy when you:

Stay in touch with your dark side and weaknesses, and are willing to grow towards healing and strength. Positive energy is about movement.

See the positive qualities in other people. Positive energy values other positive qualities.

Feel compassion towards yourself and the world (we're all doing the best we can!).

Listen to – and try to understand – other perspectives, regardless of how different. Positive energy is open minded.

Give the benefit of the doubt. Positive people don't judge quickly.

Express your true self in thoughts and actions, gently and honestly (and free others to do the same!). Positive energy is honest.

Share your negative thoughts and emotions. Positive energy admits the negative.

Celebrate the success and happiness of other people. Positive energy appreciates success.

Feel fear and defeat, and keep persevering anyway. Positive energy doesn't deny negative emotions.

Follow your dreams and desires

You're not emitting positive energy when you:

Ignore your dark side and weaknesses (and then act them out). Negative energy isn't up front.

Focus on other people's mistakes and weaknesses. Negative energy is critical.

Obsess about being perfect; whether it's at work, at home, or with your appearance (or other people!). Negative energy strives for perfection.

Try to change other people's perspectives and opinions. Negative energy wants everyone to be of one mind.

Try to please people constantly and ignore your own needs. Negative energy isn't balanced.

Let other people's moods and energy dictate your own.

Swallow your negative thoughts and emotions.

Resent the successes and joys of others. Negative energy is jealous.

Allow fear and cynicism to harden your heart and color your perspective. Negative energy revolves around fear and bitterness.

Ignore your goals, plans, and passions. Negative energy suffocates your dreams.

How Positive Energy Affects Your Life: Perfection and Popularity.

People with positive energy are determined to do their best, and to see the best in the world around them. People with positive energy don't focus on "should have" or idealized, perfect expectations that are impossible to live up to. People with positive energy have an open heart and a sense of humor. People with positive energy don't care about being popular or keeping up with the Jones's – and they stay in touch with their hearts and souls. People with positive energy achieve their goals.

How Positive Energy Affects Your Life: Failures and Disagreements

People with positive energy make mistakes and own up to them. They keep lines of communication open, opting for discussion and connection – and people with positive energy are satisfied with "agreeing to disagree." Failures and disagreements don't faze people with positive energy, because they know they're part of living and working with humans!

Friday, May 02, 2008

What color's mean to you?

Friday, May 02, 2008 0
What color's mean to you?

What does color meanto you?

What does color mean?

Have you ever been passed on the highway by one of the ugly pink cars a certain cosmetics company gives its sales force? I think the drivers go so fast because they are ashamed to be seen in a pink car. Color makes a big impression and, believe it or not, can affect a company's bottom line.

So, how do you pick a good color for a design? For some products, it's a no-brainer because there are already established industry standards. Yellow, for example, is for construction equipment, and red or florescent green is for fire trucks. Here are a few tips on those and other colors:

Red suggests aggressive. The color raises subconscious flags because it's the color of blood. Red also means danger — and interestingly, excitement. That's why there are so many red sports cars.

Yellow is another spor ty color for much the same reason. But it also says "Caution" or "Hazardous."

White means different things in different cultures. It can suggest clean or sterile, denoting purity or holiness. I'm told that in Asia, white is the traditional color of death.

Black (Henry Ford's favorite) makes things seem rugged, even sporty. Black can also denote high class and formal. Like white, black suggests either holy or evil.

Silver denotes high tech, but can be construed as artificial.

Pink usually means "girlie" (the so-called "power ties" notwithstanding).

Blue, of course, is traditionally for boys.

Green is associated with natural, that is, safe.

Light green (and sometimes white) suggests medical.

Pastels mean gentle and pure.

Muted colors denote classy. Thus, they are plentiful in bank ads and men's clubs.

Bright colors (especially primaries) are fun and youthful.

Fluorescents are right out of the psychedelic 1960s, man. Interestingly, animals that cannot see color also can't tell the difference between leafy green and fluorescent orange. That's why hunters have fluorescent camouflage. (I must admit to more than a little confusion at the pink camouflage people wear nowadays. What kind of surroundings are they trying to fit into?)


As for color combinations, black and white have the highest contrast. But black and yellow are the most noticeable to humans. So hazard signs and police crime-scene tapes are always black and yellow.

A good working knowledge of color can help avoid making aesthetic design mistakes. Selecting the wrong color can tell potential customers that your company is stodgy and its products dated. After all, when was the last time you actually wanted to buy an avocado-green refrigerator?

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