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May the jòy and peace òf Christmas be with yòu all thròugh the Yèar. Wishing yòu a season of blessings fròm heaven abòvè. Warmest greetings for Christmàs
For my one and only Girlfriend- Angel eyes Sweetest, Loveliest, Delicious, Gorgeous Cherry Babe Marry Christmas....
May àll the sweet màgic of Christmàs conspirè To glàdden your hearts and fill èvery desirè.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way. Wish you, all the best and joy always & always
My lóve, make my Wish cóme True All I want fór Christmas is Yóu
Let this Christmas be a marvellous moments. Let this Christmas be a wondrous holiday season. Let this Christmas be a joyous celebration full of fun. Let this Christmas share love and cheer with everyone.
It is the month of Çàkès Ñ Çàndlès, Snòw n Sòngs, Çàrols n Joys, Làughtèr n Lòve, Its dècembèr Wishing yòu a Blèssèd Mònth òf Christmàs!!
Christmas quotes- Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill, But let it whistle as it will, We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.
Beautiful christmas quotes- From home to home and heart to heart, From one place to another, The warmth and joy of Christmas, Brings us closer to each other. Merry X-Mas
Let the spirit of love gently fill our hearts and homes. Let the spirit of joy and generous cheer fill our hearts and homes. Let the cherish moments of Christmas bring happiness and prosperity for everyone.
Christmas ka yeh pyara tyohaar Jeevan mein laye khushiyan apaar, Santa clause aaye aapke dwar, Subhkamna hamari kare sweekar. Merry Christmas.
Make the most of it. Christmas is not a time nor a season, But a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, To be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
May lovely, happy times decorate this time of the season. May warm, special memories brighten your new year. May the wonder of Christmas be with you forever.
Christmas may be many things Or it may be a few. Fòr yòu, the jòy Is each new tòy Fòr me its watching u.
Best christmas sms/quotes- Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, May you have all the three for this Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS
A silent night A star above A blessed gift of hope and love A blessed Christmas to you!
Two things upon this changing earth can neither change nor end, the splendor of Christ’s humble birth, the love of friend for friend.
Bells are Ringing ThE wishes Of Christmas Day... The Flying snokflakes send my most sincere wishes To U & ur Family... MERRY CHRISTMAS...
May the holidàys refresh your spirit and bring you new inspiràtion and hàppiness - Merry Christmas
Jínglè bèlls Jínglè bèlls whàt fun it is tò wísh òur friends à vèry hàppy mèrry chrístmàs.
Wish Ú all A Mèrry Christmas Mày d Jòys of d seasòn Fill ur heart with gòòdwill & chèèr. Mày d chimes of Christmas glòry Ádd up mòre shine & spread Smiles acròss the miles ´' * ' ´Tòday & In d Nèw Yèar ´' * '´
Mày Úr Christmas timè bè bright from d mòmènt it starts, With màny wòndèrful things thàt brings jòy 2 yòur heàrt, & mày èach day, thròughòut d yèar, Bring èven mòre gladnèss & chèer. Mèrry Christmàs & à Hàppy Nèw Yèar!
1 Little * Star * On The Top Of The Tréè 2 Little Presents Underneath For Mé 3 Silver Ropes Twisted Around The Tréè 4 Colored Light Shining Prettily, 5 Shining Halls Flowing Silvery. Oh, What A Sight For Use To Séè. Wish You A Merry Christmas..
Let the world rejoice Christmas Eve Sharing peace and love For on this joyous Christmas day Christ came from above. Merrry Christmas
Dear friends open box of wonderous Christmas 🎁 gift for You- The 🎁 gift of Love. The 🎁 gift of Hope. The 🎁 gift of Joy. The 🎁 gift of Peace. The 🎁 gift of Prosperity. The 🎁 gift of Happiness. The 🎁 gift of Good Things. The 🎁 gift of Good Tidings. The 🎁 gift of Good Times. The 🎁 gift of Good Cheer. Through the year My Dear...
May this Christmas bring New Surprises and special gifts. All special things Best Friends ever or special one. Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new, Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets celebrate this blissful New year. Merry X-mas
Ì wish Ú this Chrístmàs enriches ur lífe Mày eàch day b hàppy & bríght, Óverflòwíng with pleàsure & lòve Mày ur Chrístmàs be filled with delíght
From home to home and heàrt to heàrt, From one place to ànother, The wàrmth and joy of Christmàs, Sweet contentment, generous cheer Brings us closer to each other.
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