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20 Indian Baby Boy Names : Inspiration by Lord Krishna

20 Indian Baby Boy Names : Inspiration by Lord Krishna

Name definition, a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.

 A name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. The entity identified by a name is called its referent. A personal name identifies, not necessarily uniquely, a specific individual human. The name of a specific entity is sometimes called a proper name (although that term has a philosophical meaning also) and is, when consisting of only one word, a proper noun. Other nouns are sometimes called "common names" or (obsolete) "general names". A name can be given to a person, place, or thing; for example, parents can give their child a name or a scientist can give an element a name.

20 Indian Baby Boy Names : Inspiration by Lord Krishna

Krishna, the eighth son of Devki and Vasudev, is known to be kind, magnanimous, merciful, brave and playful. No wonder then that many moms would want their little boys to be just like the Lord who loved makhan. Lord Krishna was given a number of names that are a tribute to his courage, intellect, beauty and bravery. So, here are 20 baby boy names inspired by lord Krishna to welcome divinity into your home.

1. Avyukt: The literal translation of Avyukt is crystal clear or clear minded and is another name for the great lord Krishna.

2. Anirudh: Anirudh is inspired from the name Aniruddha which means unrestrained or without obstacles. Anirudh was also the grandson of Krishna and is considered to be an avatar of lord Vishnu.

3. Anant: Anant means eternal or endless. Since lord Krishna was eternal he was also referred to as Anant.

4. Darsh: Darsh is derived from the word Darshan which means vision. Lord Krishna had the power to see it all and thus he was also called Darsh.

5. Devesh: Devesh means king of gods or lord of gods and is the perfect title given to lord Krishna for his divine intervention.

6. Kannan: Kannan too is another name given to lord Krishna or means a form of Krishna the great.

7. Kriday: Kriday is a unique baby name that adds up to the list of lord Krishna's names.

8. Krish: This five syllable word is the short form for Krishna and sounds rather cool.

9. Manhar: This moniker too is another one that was used for lord Krishna.

10. Monish: Monish means the lord of mind and since Krishna was almighty he was also called Monish.

11. Nand: Lord Krishna was also known as Nand-Kishore and thus Nand is a name inspired from that title.

12. Nathan: Another title given to Krishna was Nathan. It also means gift of God.

13. Saket: In literal translation, Saket means a place close to heaven. Lord Krishna was also called Saket.

14. Shoubhit: Shoubhit is one of many names given to lord Krishna. Shoubhit or Shobhit means 'adorned' or ornamented.

15. Siddhanta: It means principle and Krishna was fondly called Siddhanta too.

16. Uddhav: Uddhav was one of lord Krishna's loyal friends.

17. Vivaan: Vivaan, another title given to lord Krishna and it means full of life.

18. Vrajraj: This name is a moniker attached to lord Krishna and adds to his long list of titles.

19. Yaduraj: Lord Krishna was called Yaduraj which means the king of the Yadu clan.

20. Yaduvir: A moniker inspired by lord Krishna and it means self-sufficient.