"Moksha", the Salvation - Your Inspirational World Die/s Every Minute You Dont Read This Article
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Monday, May 05, 2008

"Moksha", the Salvation

 "Moksha", the Salvation...

"Moksha", the Salvation...

There is energy, a very huge energy, which cannot be seen but can just be felt, and can be called, the Spiritual Ocean. That is unique. Soul is a drop in that Ocean. Think about a normal terrestrial ocean. It has got some characteristics. It tastes salty, it jumps lively and it is unconquerable.

Due to some external forces the droplets in the ocean sometimes change their shapes as vapor. They hang as a cloud in the sky experiencing totally a different feel, which is never felt by those droplets when they were with ocean. Those droplets forget the salty nature, the way they used to jump lively and the feel of invincibility they had when they were with ocean. Now they have a feel of insecurity, hanging in the sky with no support to depend.

As the time progresses the droplets in the form of cloud or vapor, change their shape once again by liquefying and fall on the ground.

Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards ocean, fall directly into the ocean and thus they return their place soon. Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards river, fall directly into the river and thus they take a little time to merge into ocean after an incessant restless journey. Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards rocky land, fall on rocks and it takes more time for them to merge in ocean after crossing the phase of vaporization, becoming a cloud again and locating themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards ocean. Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards soil, fall directly on the soil and sinks deeper into dark and thus it takes more and more time for them to vaporize from underground, to turn as a cloud and to fall in ocean locating themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards ocean.

Similarly the souls from the spiritual ocean change their state because of external forces, attractions and many other tendencies and turned as human bodies changing their shapes from childhood to old age just like the clouds change their shapes from time to time. As the time flows on, death hits the souls in body form as if the wind hits the droplets that are in vapor form.

The souls with complete spiritual bent with no terrestrial desires drop into spiritual ocean, which otherwise can be termed as ‘moksha’, the salvation. The souls with half-hearted spirituality with half conviction and half bent towards spirituality take a birth once again wherein it takes a little time to that soul to merge into the ocean of spirituality, as if a few droplets in vapor form drop in river as told above. The souls with terrestrial desires which it deserves and which are positive in manner, take a birth once again which gives a little pain to fulfill the desires, as if the droplets fall on rocky lands when wind hits them. The souls with no maturity, more terrestrial desires which are bad, whose deeds are bad and whose thoughts are vague and confused take a birth which is more painful and which takes a very long time to merge into Spiritual Ocean, as if the droplets dropped on the land of soil and immersed. They experience darkness, suffocation, heat and many other sinister feelings.

Every phase discussed above is a training platform to mould oneself to reach the Spiritual Ocean, which is ultimate.