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Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2019

Blessed 7 Amazing Hindu Proverbs

Monday, November 25, 2019 0
Blessed 7 Amazing Hindu Proverbs

Hindu proverbs boil down all the wisdom of that part of the world: thousands of years old and extremely rich. It’s a culture where mysticism and spirituality have always had a huge role.

proverbs on blessed 7 blospot

Hindu culture is absolutely fabulous. It’s a wonderful mix of expressions that have come from a wide range of different nations. That’s why it’s such a vastly rich culture. It’s also why you can see this in all of its different cultural manifestations, including its proverbs.

Hindu culture also has Arabic, Buddhist, British, and Portuguese influences. There are the local cultures that have shaped it too, of course. That’s why Hindu proverbs are such a multicolored display of ways to look at life. Here are seven of them.

1. Adversity in Hindu Proverbs

One of the most beautiful Hindu proverbs is about adversity. It goes like this: “There isn’t a tree in the world that the wind hasn’t shaken.” It’s such a beautiful metaphor that reminds you that no one can escape adversity. It’s completely unavoidable.

Bad times are like a wind that shakes the branches and tests their stability. What really stands out in this message is the fact that it doesn’t matter what kind of life you live, you’ll always be vulnerable to its attacks. But you shouldn’t see them as strange or unusual, because adversity is just part of life.

2. A Peaceful Heart

The topic of internal peace is one of the most common topics in Hindu proverbs. All its religions and philosophies talk a lot about this balanced state where you become calm, and come to a place of peace with yourself and the world.

That’s why there’s a Hindu proverb that goes: “A peaceful heart sees a celebration in any village.” What it means is that it all starts from within. If your spirit is peaceful, you’ll look at the outside world with a positive perspective. In the same way, internal wars will make you see everything much darker.

3. Reading and Action

Here’s what one Hindu proverb says about reading: “It is always good for the ignorant to read books. It is even better when they retain what they have read. It is better still when they have understood it. But it is best when they do all those things, and put their hands  to work.”

This time the message is about giving an equal importance to learning and taking action based on your knowledge. It sets up a scale that starts with reading. Then it moves on to internalizing what you’ve read. And it finally ends with taking action based on what you now know.

4. Generosity of the Soul

Most of these philosophies line up in a similar place. They all talk about solidarity and brotherliness as the supreme values. These are the values that make us into one race dealing with the same hardships, with the same destiny.

That’s why there’s one Hindu proverbs that goes: “Trees refuse no one their shade, not even the woodcutter.” It’s a poetic way of saying that this task of helping people even includes the people who’ve hurt you.

5. The Path to Happiness

There aren’t many easy pathways to happiness. But there’s no doubt that one path is to do noble things for other people. There’s a Hindu proverb that has this same message. It says: “True happiness consists of making other people happy.”

Other people’s happiness always play a part in personal happiness. It’s much easier to feel good about life and the world when the people around you are happy. No one who wants to harm other people can ever really achieve it, either.

6. Reaping and Sowing

Everything in life is linked together. Things happen because there’s something that leads them to happen. But most of us tend to see all these different parts of life as isolated incidents. There are so many times when we don’t notice that we’re just reaping what we’re sowing.

There’s also a Hindu proverb that makes a reference to this. “The good you did yesterday will bring you happiness when you wake.” This is about the idea that being good to other people will bring you personal happiness.

7. The Ocean and a Drop of Water

The personal and universal aren’t exclusive concepts. They’re always deeply linked. They have a mutual influence on each other, and you can’t pull them apart. That’s why there are always so many personal elements in universal things. Of course, personal things are also their own universe.

That’s exactly what one Hindu proverb says. “God too hides himself in the ocean within a drop of water.” You shouldn’t take the word “God” literally in this quote. What it’s really talking about is a “higher power,” not a specific god.

In the end, all these Hindu proverbs have two things in common: beauty and depth. Hindu culture also shows itself off in a ton of different ways, as you can see in these fascinating statements that can help magnify your spirit.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

20 Quotes from the Ancient Scriptures of Hinduism

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0
20 Quotes from the Ancient Scriptures of Hinduism

20 Quotes from the Ancient Scriptures of Hinduism

20 Quotes from the Ancient Scriptures of Hinduism


Most humbly we bow to You, O Supreme Lord.

At Your command moves the mighty wheel of time.

You are eternal, and beyond eternity.

(Artharva Veda)


The one who loves all intensely

begins perceiving in all living beings

a part of himself.

He becomes a lover of all,

a part and parcel of the Universal Joy.

He flows with the stream of happiness,

and is enriched by each soul.

(Yajur Veda)


The human body is the temple of God.

One who kindles the light of awareness within

gets true light.

The sacred flame of your inner shrine

is constantly bright.

The experience of unity

is the fulfillment of human endeavors.

The mysteries of life are revealed.

(Rig Veda)


Sing the song of celestial love, O singer!

May the divine fountain of eternal grace and joy

enter your soul.

May Brahma, (the Divine One),

Pluck the strings of your inner soul

with His celestial fingers,

And feel His own presence within.

Bless us with a divine voice

That we may tune the harp-strings of our life

To sing songs of Love to you.

(Rig Veda)


Of everything he is the inmost Self.

He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.

(Chandogya Upanishad)


Meditating on the lotus of your heart,

in the center is the untainted;

the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless;

the inconceivable;

the unmanifest,

of infinite form;

blissful, tranquil, immortal;

the womb of Brahma.



Those in whose hearts OM reverberates

Unceasingly are indeed blessed

And deeply loved as one who is the Self.

The all-knowing Self was never born,

Nor will it die. Beyond cause and effect,

This Self is eternal and immutable.

When the body dies, the Self does not die.

(Katha Upanishad)


The whole mantram AUM

Indivisible, interdependent,

Goes on reverberating in the mind.

Established in this cosmic vibration,

The sage goes beyond fear, decay, and death

To enter into infinite peace.

(Prashna Upanishad)


O Almighty!

You are the infinite; the universe is also infinite!

From infinite the infinite has come out!

Having taken infinite out of the infinite, the infinite remains!

O Almighty! May there be Peace! Peace! Everywhere!

(Ishawashya Upanishad)


O seeker, know the true nature of your soul,

and identify yourself with it completely.

O Lord, (may we attain) the everlasting consciousness

of Supreme Light and Joy.

May we resolve to dedicate our life

to the service of humankind,

and uplift them to Divinity.

(Yajur Veda)


O Brahma, lead us from the unreal to the real.

O Brahma, lead us from darkness to light.

O Brahma, lead us from death to immortality.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.

(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad)


Look to this day,

for it is life, the very breath of life.

In its brief course lie

all the realities of your existence;

the bliss of growth,

the glory of action,

the splendor of beauty.

For yesterday is only a dream,

and tomorrow is but a vision.

But today, well lived,

makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,

and every tomorrow

a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore, to this day.

(Ancient Sanskrit)


The highest Self, all endless bliss,

the unconditioned limitless consciousness,

being realized, whether through the great texts,

or through Yoga, in all experience whatever—

let one lose himself in the ecstasy of Realization,

for he has forever lost all touch

with bondage of every description.



A particle of Its bliss

supplies the bliss of the whole universe.

Everything becomes enlightened in Its light.

All else appears worthless after a sight of that essence.

I am indeed of this Supreme Eternal Self.



The knower catches in the ecstasy of his heart

the full light of that Brahman (that Divine Essence)

which is indescribable—all pure bliss, incomparable,

transcending time, ever free, beyond desire.



Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart.

Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes

Lives in the Self. He is the source of love

And may be known through love but not through thought

He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!

(Mundaka Upanishad)


All is change in the world of the senses,

But changeless is the supreme Lord of Love.

Meditate on him, be absorbed by him,

Wake up from this dream of separateness.

(Shvetashvatara Upanishad)


O mysterious and incomprehensible Spirit!

In the depths of my heart, there is only You—You, for all time.

(source unknown)

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Dream Big and Make Life

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 0
Dream Big and Make Life