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Thursday, May 29, 2008

RelationShip Number - Your Relationship Number is derived from the letters of your name and describes the nature of your relationships

Thursday, May 29, 2008 0
RelationShip Number - Your Relationship Number is derived from the letters of your name and describes the nature of your relationships

We all have different numbers, derived from our name and birthday. One of these is our Relationship Number.

Your Relationship Number is derived from the letters of your name and describes the nature of your relationships, how you deal with others, and what you need.

  RelationShip Number - Your Relationship Number is derived from the letters of your name and describes the nature of your relationships


Finding or Understanding a Partner using Numerology

The concept of using numerology to estimate the potential for longterm compatibility with a prospective partner is a surefire way increase your odds for a good relationship. Looking to numerology is also a good way to address problems in an existing relationship, and gain new understanding.

Finding or Understanding a Partner using NumerologyThat said, I want to make it clear that while some numbers seem to blend together easily and with little friction, and other numbers seem to be rubbing against the grain for you, there are no absolutes or ideals that you should be seeking. You can use the guide below to quickly compare two individual Lifepath numbers and the Destiny or Expression numbers, or any of the other numbers in the profile for that matter. While some may wish to carry this further and compare other factors in the respective profiles, and many numerologists do, my sense is that these two important numbers should be the focus of your investigation.

The most important number in your comparison is the Lifepath number. If you haven't learned how to calculate and understand the meaning of the Lifepath, It is important to build a relationship with a partner having a Lifepath compatible with your own because for both individuals, the Lifepath number shows the natural inclinations at birth and the set of traits that will always be present in you and in your prospective partner. You must act on these traits to attain a sense of self-worth and happiness. For example, the Lifepath 3 is one that emphasizes expression, sociability, and creativity as the natural mode of activity for its native. When these traits are highly valued by the Lifepath of the partner, such traits are readily supported and living together as a couple is facilitated. When these numbers are not in harmony, some degree of compromise will be necessary for both individuals to maintain a comfort zone and sense of general happiness.

Next in importance is the Expression or Destiny number which is the number calculated from your full birth name. If you are not familiar which converting your name to a single digit number. The Expression number defines the direction in life and what you must strive to attain.

*note: For the purposes of evaluating relationships, master numbers 11 and 22 are reduced to 2 and 4 respectively.

Your comparison chart might look like this:

A comparison of:
Quality - Very compatible, compatible, neutral, or challenged
Lifepath - Natural characteristics, talents, and traits based on your date of birth.

Destiny - Direction in life; what you must achieve or become based on your full birth name.

While this gives an instance glance at the degree of compatibility or challenge in the relationship, it is probably wise to take this a step further and attempt to gain some insight into the actual blending, or failing to blend, of the numbers. The following notes discuss the possibilities of these encounters:

1 and 1: Two people with a strong desire to lead, and, two people who want very much to be independent. Two 1s in a relationship understand and accept each other perhaps better than any other number can understand the 1. This is a relationship not without pitfalls as the match can get dicey when they start to compete. But for the most part, it is a good one filled with excitement and activity.

1 and 2: Two very different people who do well if they remember their roles. The 1 is best equipped to be the breadwinner, and the 2 will be the one to feather the nest and keep the warmth of romance alive and well. The 1 must avoid being distracted and never forget how important attention is for the 2 partner.

1 and 3: This is a very lively couple that seem to shamelessly enjoy life and each other. The 3 is good at acknowledging the 1 accomplishments and stroking the ego. The 3 provides the ideas and the 1 provides the push, so this couple can cover a lot of ground. Yet they have to be careful about what they say since neither handles criticism very well.

1 and 4: 4's desire for control is a tough sell on the 1. The 1's need to make things happen now, frustrates the meticulous 4. Opposites in many ways, these two should not expect easy compromise. If they ever can accept one another for who they are, their respective strengths will make a solid relationship.

1 and 5: This is a very compatible combination as both of these numbers are ones that like to have a lot of freedom in a relationship. The drive for independence is paramount for each. They may be so busy with their own "thing" that time together is limited, very special, and often exciting. As you might expect, the most serious threat is when either tries to impose his or her will on the other.

1 and 6: This is a power struggle waiting to happen. The 6 wants and needs to a caretaker. The 1 has an absolute need to be independent and unrestrained. This can be a successful pairing only if they can work past this roadblock, and give each other the support they both need.

1 and 7: These are very different energies but ones that somehow blend nicely. The 7 provides wise insights while the 1 becomes a needed motivator. The key is to understand the tendencies; the 1 can get too busy with the outer world to always be there for the 7, and the 7 can be too into their own world to be there for the 1. Neither should take this absence personally.

1 and 8: From a business standpoint, this is a good match. But from the love angle, it is questionable at best. Both are so assertive and demanding, that expectations can far exceed reality. Negative feedback from either will be deadly in this pairing. Success depends on a open and mutual willingness to compromise and limit demands.

1 and 9: The 9 brings a selflessness to the relationship which allows the 1 to operate in an environment that is understanding and smooth flowing. The 1 will have to learn to share the partner who is inclined to extend a giving nature outside the home. If there is trouble in this partnership it will generally come from the 9s difficulty tolerating the 1's assertive and individualistic behavior.

2 and 2: A great match of two souls both needing to give and receive love. Experts at mediation, they have little difficulty finding common ground on just about any issue that arises. The only word of caution for this pairing is that they must each remember how thin their own skin is so as to not cause verbal injury to the other. Generally this is not a problem because of their polite manner and mutual respect.

2 and 3: These are potentially very good partners because of the good humor and good chemistry. The 3 is always "on stage" and full of life and social energy, while the 2 is happy as a lark standing back and enjoying the show. The 2 balances the needs of the 3 by providing a soothing and calming influence.

2 and 4: This is a steady pairing resulting in comfort personified. When it comes to home and family, the 4 is the ultimate builder and provider. Security is 4's forte. Nothing is more appealing to the 2 than home, hearth, and family. The only difficulty likely here is one of perception. The 2 needs love to be shown and always physically apparent, and the 4 is sometimes not so demonstrative.

2 and 5: The 2 needs family and an ever present sense of being loved, and the 5 need total freedom to pursue whatever avenues appear on the horizon. This is one where the chemistry has to be very strong in order for the two very different souls to forge some significant compromises. Obviously, these two can provide a lot that may otherwise be missing, but it won't be an easy road.

2 and 6: This is another good love match. The 6 ranks first in family while the 2 tops the chart in love and caring. Still the pair need to watch their Ps and Qs as the 6 has a surprising need for approbation, and 2's thin skin can suffer with the direct and demanding approach that sometimes characterizes the 6. Considerations of feelings is a must.

2 and 7: This is a couple that has some strong and dissimilar needs. The 2's need for demonstrative love and 7's need for a good deal of space and solitude make this a pairing that will work only if both can stay tuned in to the other's needs and be willing to cater to them at least to some degree. Generally the 2 will have to find something to occupy much of the time that would otherwise be devoted to the mate.

2 and 8: A pairing that usually works very well because it is likely that each has a clear vision of their role. The 8 is about the outer world of business and attainment, taking care of the financial needs of the family. The 2 takes care of the family and is there to pamper the ego of their partner. A pitfall in this relationship can occur if the 8 fails to sufficiently value the labors of the 2. Generally, this is the classic traditional family model, or in the case of the male 2, female 8, the classic male/female role reversal.

2 and 9: These two can have a wonderful relationship or it can be not so wonderful. The 2 needs constant attention, and certainly the 9 is a caring individual. But the care they naturally possess is spread to all humanity and often it is not focused enough at home. The 9 is a natural leader and the 2 is a natural follower, so there is always hope. The 9 needs to remember that the 2 hates to be alone, and the 2 needs to be forewarned that the 9's love will only stretch so far.

3 and 3: Wild and interesting describes this pairing of two with so much creative and social potential. No one has more fun that a pair of 3s who understand and support one another. The question may become who is going to take care of the mundane. The pitfall of this relationship comes when neither partner can hold on to reins of practical everyday details.

3 and 4: When the spontaneous 3 pairs with the micro-manager 4, something has to give, and often it won't. The 3 will take each day as it comes while the 4 has to have a definite plan far into the future. If the two can ever figure out how to meet in the middle, they will do a good job of balancing each other's shortcomings. The 3 will show the 4 how to have fun while the 4 can give the 3 a needed sense of security.

3 and 5: This is one of the most social combination you will find. The two will generally find each other very interesting and their ability to entertain will be never ending. Social opportunities, travel, and numerous activities promise this relationship won't get boring. Both are creative by nature, yet neither excels at managing the budget, so everyday affairs can cause problems sometimes.

3 and 6: This is a natural combination that works well in most cases. The 3 is full of enthusiasm and ideas, and the 6 provides the stability, support, and encouragement that often makes this combination an idea team in many ways. The chemistry here is very strong and durable. The challenge of this combination can come in the form of 6 jealous feelings toward the oft flirtatious 3. Usually it will be the 6 who will have to learn to deal with an inborn trait.

3 and 7: These two are about as different as people get. The 3 wants to be constantly on the go with a swirl of activity, travel, and social contact that the 7 will find intolerable. The 7 needs solitude and can only take so much human contact before retreating to their preferred peace and quiet. Confrontation in this pairing never works well, and it will be up to both to understand the long-term need for compromise. The key to success here is open dialog regarding wants, needs, and goals.

3 and 8: This is a combination that requires extra effort mostly because of the departure of needs. The 8 needs goals and authority to feel happy, and efforts focused here leave the 3 without needed attention and stimulation. The secret to success in this combination, if there is one, is frequent getaways; periods when the 3 gets the 8 away from business and relaxed enough to have some fun. There isn't much frivolity in the 8, and this can sometimes be a tough sale.

3 and 9: This is a wonderful combination of two people who are apt to keep each other endlessly engaged in a variety of creative ways. Both like to be on stage and both are interested in people. They care about people and the 9 can be generous to a fault. The 9 is the teacher and the 3 is the ever eager student. Sharing experience is a never ending joy of this pairing. The problem the couple faces is settling down, feathering a nest, and keeping the bills paid. Even after they are settled and set, romantic adventures will always be important.

4 and 4: The keywords for this combination are solid and secure. For individuals who need to know that the bills are paid and future is totally secure, who better to fill this need than another 4. These two will share goals that they work for and nearly always achieve. Success is measured by a sense that growth is continual and this includes love and romance. The down side of this pairing, if there is one, is the sense that nothing is ever completely okay. It's hard to relax , be spontaneous, and enjoy the moment and each other. Nonetheless, there are few relationships destined to be more stable than this one.

4 and 5: Challenge. The 4 and the 5 have different temperaments and different ways of communicating. The 4 is very direct to the point, while the 5 will be more diplomatic and indirect. 4s don't like change, and 5s have to have it. To find success, this couple will need to respect the difference and pay attention to what is said and what is inferred.

4 and 6: A comfortable match of traditional types, this pairing has promise from the very beginning. Chances are the 6 will want to take the lead in this relationship, and a secure home and family are all that is needed to produce a satisfying long-term situation. The challenge of this relationship is compromise. Neither is very good at this.

4 and 7: This is a relationship that has a serious tone about it and may be driven by a mutual need for security. It is loyal and devoted, even it it may lack the fire and passion of some combinations. The 4 is a natural provider of rock solid security and home values. The 7 provides a quest for continued mental development and adventure. The combination makes life both secure and yet more interesting for both.

4 and 8: This is a comfortable pairing because both parties understand hard work and have a good head for business and getting ahead in the world. The 4 is the cautious planner, while the 8 has a more grandiose approach to endeavors. The only problem probably can be one of finding the time to spend together in a quest for romance. Yet this is a couple that knows how to build for the future and develop a very secure relationship.

4 and 9: These two are so very different that successful pairings are rare. The 9 is far more social and fosters deep humanitarian instincts. The 4 is focused on the basics of building a secure and solid immediate world. To succeed in a relationship requires both to be aware of how different their approaches are, and somehow muster a willingness to accept. The 4 will certainly appreciate the 9's knowledge and intelligence, and the 9 must likewise value the 4's ruthless consistency.

5 and 5: A pair of 5s is a very compatible couple who prize their freedom to be different and adventuresome. Few others will be as open to the constant flow of new ideas and changes so common in the 5. In this relationship, partners easily anticipate what the other is thinking and where they are going. And they also have a sense for staying out of the way and accepting the freewheeling lifestyle. 5s choosing to support one another can do just about anything. The difficulty with this pairing is focus, and there may be a problem handling the mundane day-to-day affairs.

5 and 6: This is a combination requiring great compromise since the 5 thrives on freedom and space, and the 6 is noted for exerting control and nurturing supervision. The 6 wants complete commitment, and the 5 is looking for adventure and new horizons. In a relationship, they would probably be good for each other if they could find a way to meet somewhere near the middle. They must avoid any tendency to become entrenched in positions that just won't work for the other.

5 and 7: This is a relationship which is more or less free of rules and procedures. In some ways, these two are much alike and the relationship is generally very compatible. The 7 values the time to be alone and enjoy the world of study and reflection in their private space. At the same time, the 5 has plenty going on and appreciates not having demands for attention being the paramount feature of the relationship. Yet these two can get together and find a never ending stream of mutual interests to discuss and explore.

5 and 8: This is a relationship between two individuals who don't always follow the rules, and they might find themselves locking horns on the rules of a relationship. The 8 is used to being the boss and dominating most situations. The 5 seeks freedom from any restraints. The 8 is focused on success, particularly in a financial sense, and the 5 doesn't even want to think about money. It will take careful planning and compromise to make this relationship work.

5 and 9: This is a relationship between two who may find it hard to work the relationship into their busy schedules. Both of these numbers represent people who are apt to be in a constant state of transition and change. In this regard they have much in common and will generally find each other very interesting, for the moment or for the long haul. The compassion of the 9 and progressive thinking of the 5 seems to blend well. Establishing a commitment to security is a must.

6 and 6: This is a combination charged with romance, but in essence it is rather practical by nature. Home and family is second nature here, and these will be the top priorities for sure. This is a very compatible pairing. The 6 knows what's best for their partner, so they do a good job of taking care of each other, and a family is a must. Yet the 6 by its nature wants the whole family under his/her thumb, so the challenge may be in agreeing who is going to be charge. The circumstances of the relationship will usually be able to sort this out.

6 and 7: These are two very different people with very different ideas about a relationship. The 6 is openly interested in a permanent situation complete with a stable home and family. With the secretive 7, it is hard to tell what the goal might be, and only time will tell. Despite the sexual attraction that may be present, this is a very challenged combination. The 6 is too controlling, and the 7 just isn't to be closely managed. The compromises required in this relationship really bend and manipulate the natural traits of both numbers.

6 and 8: This is a very positive and compatible relationship of two who are usually open and positive in most that they do. This is a couple with big ideas, and their ideas are usually brought to reality in grand fashion. The home will provide plenty of space for family, work, and frequent entertaining of their many friends. A down side to the relationship can occur if the possessive 6 has to compete too much with the business interests of the 8. Likewise, the 8 will be frustrated when the demands at home cramp the executive lifestyle and obligations.

6 and 9: This is generally a very compatible relationship prospect as the 9 is one of the few numbers to gain 6's utmost respect. In a family situation, the 6 is unsurpassed as a manager, and the 9 is never reticent in heaping praise in recognition. This often creates a mutual admiration environment that provides a happy home for both partners. The 6 helps the 9 stay focused on details and common sense issues, while the 9 broadens the 6's outlook and sense of the world at large. The expansiveness of this pairing may suggest the need to keep a close eye on the budget.

7 and 7: This is one situation in which no one understands the eccentricities of a 7 nearly as well as another 7. Thus, this is a very compatible pairing. With the right attitude, this couple will find the interest to freely explore the world together, or spend their days in happy solitude together. Chances are you are on the same psychic wavelength, so you will surely catch the signals as they flash by. The downside of this pairing is the tendency to not communicate, so an effort may have to be made to keep the lines open and operating.

7 and 8: This is a combination that seems to work well physically, but one which is plagued with problems on the emotional level. The 8 has a tendency to dominate and control, and the 7 is a very private person prone to resist attempts to exert authority. The power of both numbers can result in frequent verbal battles. Yet there is a stability factor in the pairing that makes long-term success a possibility if accommodations can be reached.

7 and 9: This couple is anything but neutral in their affiliation. They are listed neutral because the relationship can go either way depending largely on spiritual beliefs. Both have strong spiritual inclinations and deeply held positions. However, these views of the spiritual and God often divide along rigidly held lines. In such cases, compromise is usually not an option. When the spiritual positions are in harmony, this can be a very compatible combination.

8 and 8: This pairing might be known as the "Dynamic Duo" as this is a combination that is full of passion and romance. Indeed, this pairing is a strong and enduring match- up. Yet both partners will be easily distracted by the events in their life as goals and professional demands often supersede romantic possibilities. Solid as the relationship probably is, the couple may have a hard time communicating the depth of feeling in either word or deed. Guard against competing with one another, and getting caught up in schedules and the demands of work. Make time for each other and always focus on being equal partners.

8 and 9: This is a challenging combination in which two highly motivated individuals - motivated in very different ways - find it hard to accept the ways of the other. In general the goals of the 9 are lofty and may have a humanitarian bend, while the 8 seeks the reward that comes with development of leadership and material success. To have much of a chance, the 8 will have to appreciate the lessons that can be learned from their generous partner. When they are able to work as a team, this is a powerful and often inspirational pair. Too often, however, the combination fails to click.

9 and 9: This relationship has much promise as it usually engages two charismatic types possessing much intellectual stimulation. The nature of the 9 is selfless, so this combination usually faces few challenges; each wanting to please the other and always be there for each other. A relationship offering the opportunity to grow, learn, and serve, this is often an inspiring combination.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Marriage Compatibility (Point based Kuta)

Friday, May 02, 2008 0
Marriage Compatibility (Point based Kuta)

Marriage Compatibility (Point based Kuta)

Marriage compatibility is an important contribution of Jyotish to the world as only it can foresee any problems in the married life of a couple and can precisely determine which area shall the problem root from. This is done with kuta matching as enumerated by Harihara in his immortal classic Prasna Marga. However, it is not possible to match all the kutas and here we must appreciate that nothing in this world is perfect and we need to compromise at various places. Compromises may be made in various kutas, however it should not be made in the five important kutas namely vasya, mahendra, yoni, Janma Rasi and lord of the Janma Rasi. There are three more kutas, which are to be considered very important, viz., gana, dina and stree-deergha. Besides this the Brahmins should also consider Gotra Kuta.

There are two kinds of Kuta, one which contribute points towards the 36 point scheme and the other does not. The Kutas which contribute to the 36 point schemes are Nadi, Rasi, Gana, Graha Maitri, Yoni, Dina, Vasya and Varna in the decreasing order of importance, with nadi kuta contributing the maximum of 8 points and Varna Kuta contributing the minimum of 1. Even though these kutas can be used for getting a mathematical value of relative compatibility, what is more important is to understand the nature of compatibitlity. Thus, the kutas which do not contribute to the kutas need not be ignored and checked for various aspects of marital relationship.

Point based Kuta

The maximum point that can be attained in each of the kutas are mentioned against each of the kuta in brackets.

1. Nadi Kuta: (8)


Compatibility of physiological aspects

Nadi means several things but in reference to astrology, it signifies pulse or nervous energy indicating the physiological and to a certain extent hereditary factors. The Hindu medical works enumerate three Nadis or humours, viz., Vatha (wind), Pitha (bile) and Sleshma (phlegm). A boy with a predominantly windy or phlegmatic or bilious constitution should not marry a girl of the same type. The girl should belong to a different temperament. The three Nadis are ruled by the different constellations as follows:

Principle: If the constellation of the groom and bride fall in different columns, then agreement between the couple will be good. If the stars of the bride and groom fall in the first of last column, it is passable, however they should not fall in the middle column.

Nakshatra Pada Kuta

Principle: If Nadi Kuta is not present on the basis of the Nakshatras, then the same may be reckoned taking into account the Nakshatra Padas. Thus, the different quarters will be governed by the three humors (Nadis). Beginning from Aswini 1, the counting should be done forwards and backwards in threes as given below:.


In the example considered above, both the constellations fall in the middle line and hence Nadi Kuta is completely absent.

2. Rasi Kuta: (7)

Happiness, auspiciousness and harmony in marriage

Principle 1: The male born in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Rasis from that of the female should not enter into wedlock. If both have the same Janma Rasi, marriage can only be done provided both are not of the same Janma Nakshatra. This means that the Janma Rasi of the man should not be in the Adrisya portion from the Janma Rasi from the woman. From any sign, the Adrisya (Invisible half) are the Lagna (beyond the cusp) to the 7th (before the Cusp), for practical purpose this can be taken as 2nd to 6th.

Madhavacharya has given more specific effect of the placement of the male's Janma rasi in the unfavorable positions from the females Janma rasi. They are as follows:

2nd: Loss of Money
3rd: Sorrow
4th: Quarrels and Misunderstanding
5th: Loss of Children
6th: Diseases, Danger and Separation

Principle 2: Along with the placement mentioned above, the placement in the 8th and 12th from the Janma rasi of the Women is not favorable. This is understandable, that the Dusthana placement of the man's rasi from that of women's cannot be favorable for conjugal happiness as they would either be inimical or indifferent from each other.

Principle 3: Even if the lords of the man's and woman's rasis are foe, if they are 7th from each other, this can be accepted as very good.

1. If the Janma Rasi is of the male is not in a favorable place from the Janma Rasi of the Female, the blemish can be reduced, if the lord of those rasis are mutually friendly. However, the blemish intensifies, if the lords are inimically disposed.

2. When the women is born in an odd Janma Rasi, then the man born in the 6th and 8th there from can be taken as an optional measure. If she is born in even Janma Rasi, the man born in the 6th should be rejected and the 8th can be accepted.

3. If the Janma Rasi of both the man and women have vasya and do not have vedha, then the 6th and 8th position of the man's rasi from the woman's one can be accepted. We shall study the vasya and vedha dosha later.

4. Harihara does not attach much blemish to the 3rd and 4th house positions for the Janma Rasi of the male from that of the female as this shall neither indicate poverty, nor serious quarrels leading to estrangement nor loss of children. Sorrow is a part and parcel of human birth and this should not be taken as a criterion for marriage dissolution.

5. The same Janma Rasi is allowed as long as the couples don't have the same Janma Nakshatra. However, if they happen to be the same, marriage is permissible provided it is not Jyestha, Moola, Purva-ashadha, Pushya, Aslesha, Magha, Hasta, Rohini, Dhanistha, Shatabhisaj, Ardra or Bharani.

3. Gana Kuta: (6)

Increase of affection & bond with time between the partners

Principle: The Nakshatra are divided into three categories of Deva, Nara and Rakshasa. Their compatibility is given below:

The Gana of the Nakshatras

There are three levels of analyzing this compatibility, nameloy:

a. Janma Nakshatra:

b. Lagna Nakshatra:

c. Chandramsa Nakshatra: Find the Nakshatra of the Chandra Navamsa for the boy and girl. If there is compatibility or there is stree-deergha, the objection of a boy of Nara gana marrying a girl of Rakshasa gana can be safely ignored.

Astrologically three Ganas (temperaments of natures) are recognised viz., Deva (divine), Manusha (human), and Rakshasa (diabolical). Deva represents piety, goodness of character end charitable nature. Manusha is a mixture of good and bad, while Rakshasa suggests dominance, self-will and violence. These different natures are indicated by the birth, constellation. A distaste for piety and religious disposition cannot be easily associated with piety and religious nature. A difference in beliefs and dogmas cannot always be overbalanced by sexual compatibility. Hence one born in a Deva constellation is not able to get on well with a person born in Rakshasa constellation. – BV Raman

BV Raman opines that Nara or a Deva man should not marry a Rakshasa girl unless there are other neutralizing factors. But marriage between a Rakshasa man and a Deva or Nara girl is passable. If marriage is brought about between prohibited Ganas there will be quarrels and disharmony. So that the couple would always welcome an opportunity for separation and divorce.

4. Graha Maitri: (5)

Life style & objectives of life, Psychological disposition

Principle 1: If the lords of the Janma Rasi of both are mutual friends or are owned by one planet, the match is favorable.

Principle 2: The mutual placement of the lords of the Janma rasi of the couples should determine the extent of the compatibility.

5. Yoni Kuta: (4)

Prosperity and financial stability

Principle: If the girl is born in a female Nakshatra and the boy is in a male, the couple will have financial stability. If both are in female Nakshatra, there will be loss of wealth. If both are in the male Nakshatras, it is to be rejected.

There are two kinds of Yoni Kuta:

1. Nakshatra Yoni

Hostile animals, which are to be avoided for Yoni Kuta

  • Cow and Tiger;

  • Elephant and Lion;

  • Horse and Buffalo;

  • Dog and Hare;

  • Serpent and Mongoose;

  • Monkey and Goat;

  • Cat and Rat

There is various extents to which the Nakshatra yoni match. The following table shows the extent of match between different yoni. The maximum is 4 and minimum is 0

2. Rasi Yoni:

  • Capricorn, Pisces : Pakshi

  • Cancer, Scorpio: Reptile

  • Aries, Taurus, Leo: Pasu

  • Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius: Nara

Compatibility of Rasi Yoni

  • Pasu + Pasu – Good

  • Pasu + Nara – Fair

  • Pasu + Pakshi /Reptile – Bad

  • Human + Pakshi /Reptile – Bad

6. Dina Kuta: (3)

Length of married life

Principle 1: This is based on the Navatara Chakra of the female chart. In the Navatara chakra, the 27 Nakshatras are divided into three groups of nine each, starting from the Janma Nakshatra. The first group of 9 is called as Janmarsha, the 10th to 18th Nakshatra from the Janma Nakshatra is known as the Karmarsha group and the 19th to 27th Nakshatra is known as the Adhanarksha.

The man's Nakshatra in the 3rd (Vipat), 5th (Pratyak) or 7th (Naidhana) from the Janma Nakshatra of the woman is harbinger of troubles and shows separation. The 6th (Saadhana) Nakshatra is also inauspicious, however, not as bad as the 3rd/ 5th or 7th.

Principle 2: The man born in the 88th or 108th Navamsa from the Navamsa Moon of the women is not auspicious. 88th Navamsa is the 4th Navamsa from the Navamsa Moon, whereas 108th is the 12th from the Moon sign. 108th Pada is just the pada before the Moon's Nakshatra pada, whereas the 88th pada is 20 padas before the woman's Janma Nakshatra pada.

Principle 3: The farther the Janma Nakshatra of the boy from the Girl's Nakshatra, the better it will be for him for their happiness.

Pt. Sanjay Rath says:

1. Dina Kuta means mating of charts or compatibility for 'day to day living and sharing of happiness and sorrow'. The word dina simply means day and refers to the day to day living and sharing.

2. Dina Kuta is based on the Navatara chakra which is all too well known for astrologers. The transit of the natal Moon on the various naksatra is judged to give favorable and unfavorable results to the mind and its perception of the various events. The transit in naksatra 3,5 and 7 from Janma rasi are considered very unfavorable. This is the basis for the dina kuta matching. The point is that when two people marry then they should be supportive of each other during the days of worry and troubles. For example on a day when the Moon is in the 3rd from janma naksatra of the boy and he is sorrowful then this should be strong for the bride and she should be able to support him to tide over the difficulties. That is the reason why dina kuta is necessary.

3. To understand the working of Dina Kuta you have to study the janma and lagna naksatra of the couple and determine their compatibility in both the janma naksatra i.e. Moon naksatra as well as lagna naksatra. If dina kuta is not present in the janma naksatra matching then the couple will never really become very close to each other and they will not be of any support to each other during difficult days and sharing will be low. On the other hand if dina kuta is not present from lagna naksatra then they cannot agree on major issues and should be advised to respect the views of their partner instead of getting into meaningless arguments.

This is also one of the reasons why marriage between couples having the same janma naksatra was not encouraged.

7. Vasya Kuta: (2)

Affection and love between the partners

This indicates the degree of magnetic control or amenability the wife or husband would be able to exercise on the other.

Principle: If the Janma rasi of the man is the vasya rasi of the women's Janma rasi or vice versa, then the vasya kuta prevails. If the groom's rasi happens to be the vasya rasi of the bride, the bride shall dearly love the groom and vice versa. Thus, If the Janma rasi of the man and woman happens to be the Vasya rasi of each other, then the affection among them is the strongest.

The Vasya rasi for different rasis are given hereunder:


In the following cases, the rasi of the bride and groom becomes the Vasya rasi of each other.
Gemini – Virgo – This is 4th – 10th from each other
Cancer – Scorpio – This is 5th – 9th from each other.

8. Varna Kuta: (1)

Ideals and Principles that drive the couple's life

Principle 1: The six nakshatras beginning from Ashwini to Ardra, Punarvasu to Uttara, Hasta to Jyestha and Moola to Shatabhisaj in the regular order represent the Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra, Anuloma and Pratiloma caste.

If the man and the woman belong to the same caste, then it is the best. Otherwise, if the man belongs to the higher caste than that of the woman, it is permissible. However, if the woman's caste is higher than that of the man, it is not permissible.

Principle 2: Anuloma and Pratiloma: If one of them is Anuloma and other belongs to one of the other four castes, then it is passable. However, this is rejected is one of them is Pratiloma and the other one belongs to the rest four.

Kuta without points

9. Mahendra Kuta:

Blessings in the married life; Well-being; Longevity

Principle: If the Girl is born in the 4th Nakshatra from that of the Boy, it is Mahendra; if she is born in the 7th, it is known as Upendra. Mahendra gives wealth and Upendra gives children.

10. Stri Deergha:

Long life to the Husband

Principle: The male Nakshatra should be more than 15 stars away from that of the female. If that is not so, long life of the male is not supported. Other factors like Navamsa have to be considered.

Rider: This consideration can be ignored if Rasi Kuta and Graha Maitri is there..

11. Rajju Kuta:

The Asterism can be classified into 5 categories namely:

Principle: If the Nakshatra of the couple do not fall in the same category, it is auspicious. If the Nakshatra fall in the same category, the results are as follows:
  • Kantha – Widowhood

  • Kati- Poverty

  • Pada- Distant Travels

  • Siro- Death

  • Kukshi – Loss of children

12. Vedha:

Obstacles in Married life

Principle 1: The Nakshatra of the couple should not fall in the vedha group as mentioned below.

Aswini and Jyeshta;

Bharani and Anuradha;

Krittika and Visakha;

Rohini and Swati;

Aridra and Sravana

Punarvasu and Uttarashadha;

Pusayami and Purvashadha;

Aslesha and Moola;

Makha and Revati;

Purvaphalguni and Uttarabhadrapada;

Uttaraphalguni and Purvabhadrapada;

Hasta and Satabhisha,

Mrigasira and Dhanishta.

Principle 2: Even if there is other agreement such as Vasya, etc., Vedha will prevail.

13. Gotra Kuta:

For prosperity of the lineage after marriage

Principle: If the boy and the girl belong to the same Gotra, it brings disaster to the lineage. If the gotras are different, then the lineage shall prosper.

14. Vihanga Kuta:

Dominance of one partner over other

Principle: If the Nakshatra of the couple indicate the same bird, it is auspicious. Otherwise, one bird shall dominate over the other in the descending order of Peacock, Cock, Crow, Pingala, Bharandhaka

15. Yonyanukulya:

Sexual compatibility

Principle: If the girl is born in a female Nakshatra and the boy is in a male, the couple will have sexual compatibility. If both are in female Nakshatra, it is acceptable. If both are in the male Nakshatras, it is to be rejected.

The male and female Nakshatras along with their yoni are given hereunder:

16. Bhuta Kuta:

Prevailing element in the personality.

Principle: If the Nakshatra of the couple are of the same bhuta, it is favorable. If they are different, the results are as follows:

Fire+ Air – Favorable

Earth +Other – Favorable

Water+ Fire – Bad

Nakshatra Bhuta: Psychological nature

Rasi Bhuta: Spiritual nature.

17. Vayanukulya:

Continuation of Lineage

Principle: If the groom is 3 times older than the bride, it is considered as good. If he is twice old, it is passable; if he is older only by a few years, it results in sorrow. If the bride is older, the family shall become extinct. Thus for such cases, it forebodes a death in the family or there will be no male issues

18. Ashtakavarga:

Mental Compatibility

Principle 1: if the Janma Rasi of the groom falls in the sign which, in the Moon's astakavarga of the girl's chart has more bindu, it is good. Similarly, if the Janma Rasi of the Girl falls in a sign which, in the Moon's astakavarga of the boy, has more bindus, it is equally good.

Principle 2: Find out the Kaksha in which the Moon is found in the girl's horoscope. If the Janma rasi of the boy falls in the sign of the lord of this Kaksha, the compatibility is good. The reverse is also holds true.

Kakshya: Each sign is divided into 8 Kakshas of 3d 45m each lorded by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Lagna.

19. Chittanukulya:

God's will

This is the over-riding power of God and when two people are in love, the chart matching becomes meaningless, as there is the will of God in this. If they are normal people then their affection should be tested with time and if one is spiritual then his/her falling in love for marriage and children has a divine purpose and is beyond the normal rules of Jyotish compatibility. In this case, since the couple has expressed their love for each other, they should be encouraged to enter wedlock.

20. Aya-vyaya:

Income and Expenditure

Principle: Count from the Nakshatra of the bride to that of the groom. Multiply this number by 5 and divide the product by 7. The reminder is Vyaya or expenditure. If the counting is again made from the Janma Nakshatra of the groom and the same calculation is repeated, the reminder indicates "aya" or gain or income.

If the aya is greater than vyaya, marriage brings all round prosperity. If this is reverse, the couple will experience poverty.

21. Rna-Dhana:

Overall marital happiness

Principle 1: Count from Aswini to the Janma Nakshatra of the groom as well as the bride and total them up. Add to this sum 13. From this total figure subtract 32. Divide the difference by 5. Check the reminder for the following results:

X= Reminder [(Groom+Bride+15-32)/5]

1- Acquisition of children

2- Death of one of the couple

3- Prolonged illness

4- Prosperity

5- N.A.

If the total after adding 13 does not come to 32, then the counting should be made from Janma Nakshatra to Aswini.

Principle 2: Count from the Janma Nakshatra of the couple to Aswini. Add the two figures and deduct the sum by 5. Check the reminder for the following results:

1- Prosperity

2- General progress

3- Calamities

4- Acquisition of wealth

5- Disasters

Principle 3: If the Janma Nakshatras of the groom and the bride fall in the first group namely Ardra, Hasta, Purva-Ashadha, Uttara-Ashadha, there will be great progress. If they fall in the 2nd group namely, Krttika, Rohini, Mrgashira, Magha, Purva-Phalguni, Uttara-Phalguni, Anuradha, Jyestha, Moola, Dhanistha,, Shatabhisaj, Purva-Bhadrapada, prosperity shall follow immediately after marriage. However, if they fall in the 3rd group- Aswini, Bharani, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Uttarashadha, Sravana and Revati, expenditure and debts shall follow the marriage.


Upapada Matching

Upapada is the arudha of the 12th house in any horoscope. This is computed by counting as many houses from the 12th lord as the lord gained from the 12th house. If the upapada falls in the 12th or the 6th house, then count 1oth from the sign again to arrive at the final upapada.

Upapada tells a lot about the spouse, one who is committed to follow you for the whole lifetime or at least for the duration of the marriage. The various results related to upapada can be studied from jyotish classics such as Brhat Parashara Hora Shastra or Upadesha Sutras of maharishi Jaimini. The matching of Upapada is very crucial as this shows, how the images of the partners are related to each other and hence has a strong say on the marital affairs and harmony. The matching criteria for upapada is given below-

1. The Lagna of the bride should be in trine or 7th from the Upapada or in the paka upapada and vice versa.


2. The Upapada and AL should be placed in Kendra or Trine or 3/11 to each other. Otherwise, this shows lack of harmony in the relationship.


3. The 2nd of Upapada rules the longevity of the marriage. If the 2nd house or the lord is afflicted by malefics such as nodes, then the marriage can be in serious troubles. This is also true if the lord is debilitated and aspected by malefics.


4. The remedy of all marriage troubles is to fast on the day ruled by the Upapada lord.


Marriage date

1. Marriage should normally occur in an odd year of the male and even year of the female. Otherwise this forebodes troubles.

2. Marriage should happen when Jupiter aspects or transits the 2nd from Upapada.

Finding the marriage date using dasas such as Vimshottari, Narayana, Naisargika dasa etc and through transits would be given in another article.


Special Considerations

Exceptions the Kuta matching

The following are the salvaging factors, if present; one can ignore certain incompatibilities in the Kuta.

1. The absence of Stree-Deerga may be ignored if Rasi Kuta and Graha Maitri are present.
2. If the Rasi of the girl is odd, the 6th and 8th Rasis there from are friendly. If the Rasi of the girl is even the 2nd and 12th there from become friendly. The evil due to the birth of the bride in a Rakshasa gana star may be ignored if Janma Rasi being 2nd and 12th, 9th and 5th or 6th and 8th, the lords of the Rasis are the same or are mutual friends.
3. Though Graha Maitri is by far the most important, it need not be considered if the couple has their Janma Rasis disposed in one and seven from each other.
4. Rajju Kuta need not be considered in case Graha Maitri, Rasi, Dina and Mahendra Kutas are present.
5. The evil due to Nadi Kuta can be ignored subject to the following conditions: -
6. The Rasi and Rajju Kuta prevail
7. The same planet is lord of the Janma Rasis of both the mate and the female
8. The lords of the Janma Rasis of the couple are friends

Common Janma Rasis and Nakshatras

In many cases, the Janma Rasis of the Janma Nakshatras of the bride and bridegroom would be the same. Special attention is paid by astrological writers to such exceptions and we shall throw some light on them for the edification of our readers.

Common Janma Rasi:

Views differ as regards the results accruing from the Janma Rasis being common. According to Narada, common Janma Rasi would be conducive to the couple provided they are born in different constellations. Garga opines that under the above circumstance, the asterism of the boy should precede that of the girl if the marriage is to prove happy. Incase the reverse holds good (Stree-purva). i. e., the constellation of the girl proceeds that of the boy, the alliance should be rejected. This view is supported by other sages, viz., Brihaspati and Bhrigu. In fact, the author of Muhurtha tattva goes to the extent of saying that in cases of common Janma Rasi, provided the man's constellation is preceding the girl's, the Kutas or adaptability need not be applied at all.

Common Janma Nakshatra:

This is a further extension of the principle of common Janma Rasi. The Janma Nakshatras of the bride and bridegroom, being one and the same, are approved in case of Rohini, Aridra, Makha, Hasta, Visakha, Sravana. Uttarabhadra and Revati. The effect would be ordinary if the common Janma Nakshatras are Aswini, Krittika, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Pubba. Uttara. Chitta, Anuradha, Poorvashadha and Uttarashadha, Bharani, Aslesha. Common Janma Nakshatras is not recommended if the Nakshatras happens to be Swati, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabhisha and Poorvabhadra .Here again certain ancient authors hold that even though the Janma Nakshatras are same, the evil becomes nullified if the Padas are different. If the Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs (e.g., Krittika) the Pada of the bride should relate to the preceding sign. For example, if Krittika is the common Janma Nakshatra, the bride should have her Janma Rasi in Mesha and the bridegroom in Vrishabha. If, however, the common Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs equally (e.g., Mrigasira, Chitta, etc.) the sign for the first two quarters should be that of the bridegroom.

The couple should not have the same Janma Rasi, same Janma Nakshatra and Pada. However, in regard to Satabhisha, Hasta, Swati. Aswini, Krittika, Poorvashadha, Mrigasira and Makha, the evil given rise to by virtue of common Janma Rasi, Nakshatra and Pada gets cancelled if the couple are born in the first quarter.

Destructive Constellations

Certain parts of Moola, Astesha, Jyeshta and Visakha are destructive constellations

  • Moola (first quarter) for husband's father

  • Aslesha (first quarter) for husband's mother

  • Jyeshta (first quarter) for girl's husband's elder brother

  • Visakha (last quarter) for husband's younger brother.

The Kuja Dosha

A person suffering with Kuja Dosa is vulnerable to physical abuse from the partner. However, the dosha is counteracted by the conjunction of Mars with Jupiter or Mars with the Moon; or by the presence of Jupiter or Venus in the ascendant.

BV Raman
The position of Venus and Mars is very important in judging marital relations. Mars whose element is fire rules marriage. Where he is badly situated or associated in the horoscope of a male or female, it follows that the sacerdotal fire gets extinguished soon. Such unfavorable situation goes under the name of Kuja Dosha.

It must be noted that in determining marriage adaptability between two parties, there are several elements of much more importance than Kuja Dosha. And the evil influence accruing from the bad position of Mars is only one of the several elements.

It is unfortunate that throughout South India especially in the Tamil areas, much is made of the so-called Kuja Dosham and this bugbear has been the means of destroying the happiness of many families by preventing marriages otherwise very eligible and anxiously wished for. So far as our humble experience goes it is only in the Kerala Sastra that mention is made of Kuja Dosha. The stanza runs thus: Dhana vyayecha pathale jamitre chashtame kuja; Strinam bharthru vinasamcha bharthunam strivinasanam. This means: - "If Mars is in the 2nd, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8th houses in the horoscope of the female, the death of the husband will occur; similar situation in the husband's horoscope causes the death of wife."

The Lagna represents body, the Moon, mind and Venus, sexual relations. Therefore, the houses have to be reckoned with reference to all the three, viz., Lagna, Moon and Venus. The dosha (evil) is considered weak when it exists from Lagna, a little stronger from the Moon and still more powerful from Venus.

The second house signifies family; the twelfth represents comforts and pleasures of bed. The fourth rules sukha or happiness. The seventh indicates husband and eighth represents longevity of the wife or husband. Hence the position of Mars in these houses is supposed to produce this peculiar dosha or evil. If Kuja Dosha obtains in the horoscopes of both the bride and bridegroom, the dosha gets cancelled. There are, of course, many good combinations which assure marital felicity and much importance need not be given to Kuja Dosha.

Granting that Kuja Dosha is a factor whose occurrence should not be ignored, there are antidotes which are not generally known to the rank and file of Hindu astrologers. If Mars is placed in the signs mentioned below corresponding to different houses, there shall not be any dosa:

  • 2nd - Gemini and Virgo
  • 12th - Taurus and Libra
  • 4th - Aries and Scorpio
  • 7th - Capricorn and Cancer
  • 8th - Sagittarius and Pisces.

In Aquarius and Leo, Mars produces no dosha whatsoever.

The dosha is counteracted by the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter or Mars and the Moon; or by the presence of Jupiter or Venus in the ascendant.

Fixing the Marriage Muhurtha

§ The lunar months of Magha, Phalguna, Vaisakha and Jyeshta are good. Kartika and Margasira are ordinary. The rest are not auspicious. Some sages opine that marriages can be celebrated in Pushya and Chaitra provided the Sun is in Capricorn and Aries respectively.

§ The following lunar days, viz., from the 11th day (dark half) to New Moon, Riktha Thithis, 8th, 12th and 6th should be rejected. The best lunar days are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 13th (of the bright half).

§ Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the best. Sunday and Saturday are middling. And Tuesday should be invariably rejected.

§ The best asterisms are Rohini, Mrigasira, Makha, Uttara, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra and Revati. The first quarter of Makha and Moola and the last quarter of Revati are inauspicious and they should be rejected. Constellations not mentioned here are unsuitable and they should be avoided.

§ The following yogas should be rejected: Vyatipata, Dhruva, Mrityu, Ganda, Vajra, Soola, Vishkambha, Atiganda, Vyaghata and Parigha.

§ Vishtikarana must invariably be discarded.

§ Among the zodiacal signs Gemini, Virgo and Libra are the best. Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius are middling. The rest are inauspicious.

Elements of Muhurtha Chart:

In the election of a Muhurtha for marriage, as many of the 21 dosha are possible and should be avoided. The most important considerations however are

(1) The 7th house must be unoccupied by any planet

(2) Mars should not be in the 8th

(3) Venus should not be in the 6th

(4) Lagna should not be hemmed in between malefics

(5) Malefics should not occupy Lagna

(6) The Moon in the election chart should not conjoin any planet

Apart from the above, the usual Tarabala, Panchaka. etc., should be looked into. The calculation of Panchaka and Tarabala would be given in another article.

Jupiter, Mercury or Venus in Lagna, malefics in the 3rd or 11th, would constitute a formidable force in rendering the Lagna strong. The following are some of the special combinations which are supposed to fortify the marriage election chart:

1. Jupiter in the ascendant, Venus in the 8th and the Sun in the 11th - Mahendra Yoga.

2. Venus in Lagna, Jupiter in the 10th and the Sun and Mercury in the 11th-Vishnu Priya Yoga.

3. Venus in the 2nd, Jupiter in the 12th, the Sun in the 8th and Saturn in the 6th - Sreenatha Yoga.

4. Venus in Lagna, Jupiter in the 4th, Mercury in the 2nd and Saturn in the 11th - Samudra Yoga.

5. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in Lagna - Vijaya Yoga.

6. Venus and Jupiter in Lagna elevated or otherwise strong - Jaya Yoga.

7. Saturn in the 3rd, Jupiter in the 6th, the Sun in the 10th and Mars in the 11th - Pushya Yoga.

8. Mars in the 3rd, Saturn in the 6th, Venus in the 9th, Jupiter in the 12th - Maharshi Yoga.

9. Venus in Lagna, Jupiter in the 11th - Ardhama Yoga.

References:1. Prasna Marga
2. Muhurtha- BV Raman