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Showing posts with label feelings. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0
Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Understanding Hinduism : Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

Kosas – Sheaths (Pancha-kosas)

From ‘Vedanta Treatise’

By Sri A. Parthasarthy

Vedanta Life Institute, Mumbai.

The structure of man can be divided into five material layers enveloping Atman (indwelling soul). Atman is the core of your personality. It is represented by the mystic symbol of AUM (pronounced OM). The five layers of matter are like five concentric circles around the symbol. They are called sheaths or KOSAS in Sanskrit. The five sheaths (pancha-kosas) are:

    Food sheath (Anna-maya kosa)

    Vital-Air sheath (Prana-maya kosa)

    Mental sheath (Mana-maya kosa)

    Intellectual sheath (Vignana-maya kosa)

    Bliss sheath (Ananda-maya kosa)

Food sheath

Food sheath is the physical body. The five organs of perception and the five organs of action are a part of it. It is called food sheath because it is caused by food, maintained by food; and finally ends up as food.

Vital-Air sheath

There are five faculties functioning within you. They correspond to the five physiological functions. They are called the five Pranas. Together they constitute the vital-air sheath. They have been given that name because they are related directly to air you breathe.

  1. Faculty of perception (prana): is the functioning of the five senses as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.

  2. Faculty of excretion (apana): throws out, evacuates excreta of the body such as faeces, urine, sperms, sputum, perspiration etc.

  3. Faculty of digestion (samana): digests food received by the stomach.

  4. Faculty of circulation (vyana); distributes digested food to different parts of the body through blood stream.

  5. Faculty of thought-absorption (udana): takes in fresh knowledge.

These five faculties (pranas) are sharp and clear when you are young. As you get older the pranas lose their strength and vitality. That explains why a ripe old man can hardly see, hear etc. His faculties of excretion, digestion and circulation become very weak. His capacity to absorb and accept new thoughts and ideas is reduced to the bare minimum.

Vital-Air sheath is subtler than food sheath. It controls the food sheath. When your pranas function properly your physical body remains healthy and strong. And when they slacken and work inefficiently the body is adversely affected.

Mental sheath

The mental sheath is the mind. Mind consists of passions and emotions, feelings and impulses. It is full of likes and dislikes. Mental-sheath controls vital-air and food sheaths. For instance, when the mind is disturbed, the physiological functions (pranas) and the physical body are affected.

Intellectual sheath

Intellectual sheath is the intellect. It functions as thinking, reflecting, reasoning, discriminating, judging, etc. It analyses and distinguishes between pairs of opposites. It controls the above three sheaths.

Bliss sheath

Bliss sheath consists of Vasanas alone. When you are in deep sleep i.e. dreamless sleep you are in bliss sheath. When you cross the bliss sheath and move to other sheaths you experience the dream and waking states of consciousness. Vasanas are therefore unmanifest in deep sleep while they are manifest in the form of thought in the dream and actions in the waking state. Consequently you experience mental agitations, be they great or small, as long as you remain in dream and waking states. When however you enter the state of deep sleep all your mental agitations cease and you experience undisturbed peace and bliss. Hence it is that this sheath is called bliss sheath. But the bliss experienced in deep sleep is relative. It is not to be confused with the absolute bliss of Self-realisation.

The five sheaths enumerated above may also be classified under three different headings viz. gross body, subtle body and causal body. Food sheath and the gross portion of vital-air sheath together constitute the gross body. The subtle portion of vital-air sheath combined with mental and intellectual sheaths form the subtle body. While the gross body is made up of gross matter, the subtle body is constituted of passions, desires, emotions, feelings and thoughts. Bliss sheath is the causal body consisting of Vasanas alone.

Your causal body is the storehouse of all your impressions and latent energies in you, all your Vasanas. When this hidden material in the causal body expresses itself as feelings and thoughts it takes the form of your subtle body. The same material works out as perceptions and actions in the gross body. Let the causal body be instilled with the suggestion of health, the subtle body will entertain thoughts of health and the gross body is bound to be healthy. Let the causal body be saturated with the suggestion of godhead, the subtle body will revel in the thought of godhead, the man is bound to be godly. A man is the architect of his own personality inasmuch as it is his own causal body that is responsible for his behaviour, movements and environments.

The substratum of your causal, subtle and gross bodies is your real Self.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

10 Qualities to be a FRIEND - Friends are very important because friends come right after family

Tuesday, April 07, 2009 0
10 Qualities to be a FRIEND - Friends are very important because friends come right after family

 10 Qualities to be a FRIEND

 noun. The definition of friend is someone who is on your side. An example of a friend is an ally in a protest. Friend is defined as a person that you are fond of, with whom you talk or spend time. An example of a friend is the person you have known a long time and trust.

10 Qualities to be a FRIEND - Friends are very important to me because friends come right after family

 In most dictionaries friend is defined as "one who is understanding, caring, and shows concerns for others.". A question to ask one's self is what are the qualities every friend should have. I have had many good friends in my life and i think i know at least 10 qualities every friends should have. Friends are very important to me because friends come right after family.  

You should not be someone's friend because you need them and leave them when you don't

Friends are there for you at all times as you should be there for them at all times. So friends are reliable, thats one of the qualities i think friends should have. Another important thing is that you can tell him or her anything and they can do the same, so friends should be trustworthy. Thirdly, i think you should feel comfortable and appreciated as who you are when you are around friends, and that you should never try to be someone else to please them. Therefore i think that friends should like you for who you are and not what you have. Another quality is think a friend should have is respect. This is very important because you have a relationship with him or her, and if there is no respect you can not be at ease around that person. I think that friends should care about each other, because like i said, friends come right after family, and a friend should care, because it is the least you can do when you've been in a friend relationship with someone. A friend should also be able to listen to you, even though he might not necessarily agree with what you say. A friend must always lend an ear when he is there. Another quality every friend should have is loyalty. It is very important in friendship. You have to stick by them, even when they aren't at their best. And congratulate them when they are. Honesty is another important quality every friend should have. You should be able to tell the truth to your friends without hurting their feelings. Some say it helps to be tactful but not many people would want someone to lie to them even to spare their feelings. Another important quality all friends should have is sharing similar interests. It makes things much easier because there's always something to talk about and conversations are much more interesting for both people. Even though many say diversity spices things up, i think that similar interests is probably what initiates most friendships. A friend who is nice is a very important quality that all friends should have. Because friends should help build your self-esteem through kindness and encouragement while it's the enemy's role to take that away. And no one likes to be a friend with someone who is mean and who will treat them like dirt.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thursday, May 29, 2008 0

Lets face it. Life is not a bed of roses. There are hurdles to get over and mountains to climb. In numerology, the roadblocks faced in life is called the challenges. The Challenge is a weak point in our Life Path. It is the weak link in the chain of life which must be overcome for us to grow and develop properly. We learn by meeting the challenge, and dealing with it effectively. The nature of the challenge is shown in the Life Path.

Actually, there are three challenges included in your life path. Two that will be called sub-challenges and then a main challenge. Each challenge is represented by a number, and the number reflects the tone of the confrontation. We will again use the month, the day and the year of birth in this calculation. The first step will be to reduce each of these components to a single digit base number. Thus, December 14, 1968, would become month 3 (1+2), day 5 (1+4), and year 6 (1+9+6+8=24; 2+4=6).

The first sub challenge is derived by finding the difference between the month and day of birth. In our example, this would be 5-3=2 first sub challenge.

The second sub challenge is identified by finding the difference between the day of birth and the year of birth. The example would be 6-5=1; the number 1 for a second sub challenge.

The final challenge is identified by finding the difference between the first and second sub challenge. Our example would have a 2-1=1 challenge.

The numbers behind the final challenge will each be a potential problem during half of the life. The first sub challenge during the first part of the life, and the second sub challenge during the second half of the life. The Final Challenge is a potential weakness and problem throughout the entire life.

If you correctly reduced the month, day and year to a single digit (no master number), the difference between the two numbers must be a number from 0 to 8. Here are readings of each of the challenges:

Challenge 0

The obstacles life during this period may not be many, or they may be coming from all directions. The challenge of the number 0 is called the challenge of choice. You are likely to have difficulty acting on your preferences. You are perfectly capable of analyzing a situation and realistically comparing possible solutions. The challenge of 0 may make bring this decision to requisite action very difficult for you. To overcome the challenge, it should be understood that you must have the faith in your own abilities to the extent that you can analyze, make a choice, then act with ease and comfort. This challenge is one that is normally found on in a highly evolved individual and an individual who can be expected to make your own decisions about life and know where the pitfalls lie. To meet the challenge of 0 you must have control of all of the numbers; the independence of 1, the diplomacy of 2, the optimism of 3, the application of 4, the understanding of 5, the adjustment of 6, the wisdom of the 7, the constructive power of 8, the universal service of 9. In other words, to meet the challenge of 0 in your life, you must be a very gifted person.

Challenge 1

The challenge of the number 1 suggests you are likely to feel dominated by others with strong influence, probably parents or others with whom you compete. The challenge of the number 1 is avoidance of being dominated, but doing so in a fashion that does not impose upon or dominate others. With the challenge of the number 1 it's extremely important to control the ego, and avoid the negative aspect of individuality. False pride, pomposity, egotism are issues to be guarded against now. You are now in a period of learning about self-reliance and how to solve your own problems independently. Learn to rely on your wit and your intelligence, avoiding argumentation and resentfulness.

Challenge 2

The challenge of the number 2 suggests you are likely to be extremely sensitive and more or less brimming with feelings. You find it hard to work with people because your are afraid of being criticized or, worse yet, ignored. You have a good deal of self-doubt and a definite lack of self confidence. There is a tendency to constantly worry about the opinion that others have of you. There is likewise a tendency to use this sensitivity in a negative way. Used more positively, your keen sensitivities can be a significant strength, allowing you to be acutely aware of so much of with others rarely perceive. But during this period it will be hard for you to assert yourself and make decisions. You will shy away from positions of authority and responsibility. This can be a time for accumulation of wisdom, as you show patience and pay close attention to detail. Try not to take things too personally. Friendships are a source of deep satisfaction to you during this time. Respect your ability to compromise and grow in a quiet way. Do not let details overwhelm you and keep you from seeing the big picture. Plan for slow growth rather than immediate gain.

Challenge 3

The challenge of the number 3 suggests a tendency to scatter talents and try to do too many things at once during this period of your life. You may have a fine imagination and a gift for words, but you find it hard to express yourself effectively. Though you know you should cultivate friends and be sociable, you tend to be somewhat reclusive and defensive. You may have a talent for writing, acting, or speaking, but you are reluctant to involve yourself with these sorts of activities because you do not like to face the prospects of criticism. You are expressing yourself with a negative emphasis, hiding your creative talents behind a wall of shyness. You must strive to develop yourself in a social and in a creative sense. It's hard to just relax and have a good time.

Challenge 4

The challenge of the number 4 suggests a difficulty with work. Either you simply don't like to work, don't like the work your are forced to do, or you have difficulty completing tasks and working efficiently. You may be careless and lack a sense of practicality. Often this challenge makes it hard to see the forest for the trees when it comes to work and obligations. It is important for you to learn patience, understanding and the practical, common sense way of dealing with mundane responsibilities. You may also need to learn the importance of working within the parameters of a time schedule.

Challenge 5

The challenge of the number 5 suggests that your challenge is to overcome the desire and the demand for freedom at any price. This challenge number is very difficult to handle because, with it, you are apt to be extremely impulsive; you want to try everything at least once, and you are rather unstable in many ways. Change may be necessary for you, but it must be handled in an intelligent and controlled manner. Make certain that the desire for change is not associated with a desire to escape responsibility. In any event, this challenge requires that you learn as early as possible in life to control your impulses.

Challenge 6

The challenge of the number 6 suggests that you may have difficulties because of your insistence on extremely high standards. You are apt to appear authoritarian, intolerant, and a little self-righteous. It is hard for others to live up to your standards of expectation. Many of your considerable talents for balancing situations are used with a negative emphasis. Avoid creating friction in relationships and strive for harmony. You must learn that your diplomatic approach will only be appreciated if others feel that their needs are met, their desires understood, their point of view respected. You must learn to allow others to set their own pace, make their own rules. This challenge requires learning unconditional love and acceptance.

Challenge 7

The challenge of the number 7 suggests difficulties brought on by your discomfort with your own inner feelings; feelings of a reserved attitude and unexpressed emotions. You may feel unable to better your situation, or to change and improve circumstances. There is a tendency with this challenge to be a chronic critic and complainer, while offering little or nothing as a suggest to correct the faults that are found. The sense of discrimination is strong, but it is expressed in a very negative way. A sense of false pride tends to keep your real feelings buried beneath the surface. Avoid a tendency to approach people in a very reserved and aloof way, and develop faith in your own abilities rather than dwelling on your limitations. Marriage is apt to be delayed until this challenge is overcome, or if married, this can be a difficult time.

Challenge 8

The challenge of the number 8 suggests an early life assumption that satisfaction can only be gained and safeguarded by adequate material accumulation. There's likely to be considerable effort exerted to attain money, status, and power, sometimes to the exclusion of almost all else. The number 8 challenge indicates that you are/were using your concern with material matters with negative emphasis. You must learn to use your ability to gain money, status and power with a sense of proportion and an awareness of the relation of material affairs to other matters, and deal with the material world in a comfortable manner.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Why people tell Lies?.

Thursday, May 08, 2008 0
Why people tell Lies?.

Why people tell Lies?.

Why people tell Lies?.

It is not fun to think about the lies people tell to those they love.


But, at the same time, people tend to be curious about the topics which couples try to hide and conceal from each other.

The following "list of lies" comes from a survey of dating and married couples who were asked to disclose the issues they try to keep hidden from their partners through lies, concealment, and deception.

Relational Issues 

Time Together - people lie about the reasons why they can't spend time together or see each other ("I am so busy, I have so much work to do, I don't have time right now")....

Past Relationships - partners lie about their past level of involvement ("I never really loved her," "I am much closer to you," "I love you so much more than anyone else")...

Feelings, Interest, Crushes, and Attraction to Others - people lie about their feelings and interest in others - often includes ex-partners, friends, someone at work...

Secret Contact - lovers lie about their friendships, time spent with others, accidental encounters (running into ex), phone calls, e-mails, and text messages with others. Essentially people lie about intimate, but non-sexual contact with someone else...
Level of Commitment – people lie about their feelings for partner, uncertainty or doubts about the relationship - not sure really love or want to marry partner or stay together...

Flirting with Others - people lie about flirting with others...

Betraying Confidences - lovers lie to each other about keeping secrets confidential...

Hide Time with Others - people hide activities and time spent with others - usually friends or co-workers...

Sexual Issues

Sexual Fantasies – lovers conceal having sexual fantasies about others during sex. Or thinking about sex with someone else - usually the fantasy involves a partner's friend, family member, or a co-worker...

Masturbation - men, in particular, lying about masturbating or how often it happens. Men also lie about fantasies during masturbation, using pornography...

Sexual Enjoyment - people lie about how good sex with partner is ("You're the best," "That was great!")...

Sexual History - lovers lie about the number of past partners, unsafe sex practices, what they have and have not done with others, their virginity, having an abortion, childhood abuse...

Infidelity and Cheating - spouses lie about having sex with other people... sometimes it involves issues of paternity...

Sexual Orientation - some people lie about same sex contact or interest...

Negative Thoughts

Negative Feelings towards Partner’s Family/friends - people lie about liking other people who are important to a partner...

Negative Feelings about Partner’s Physical Appearance - lovers lie about liking their partner's appearance, hair, weight, age, clothes...

Negative Feelings about Partner’s Career - people lie about liking or respecting their partner's job, school, career choices...

Negative Feelings about Partner’s Behavior/character - lovers lie about liking their partner's kids, habits, personality, sense of humor...

Hide Other's Negative Feelings about Partner - people lie about other people's true feelings towards a partner (i.e., my family/friends don't like you)...

Negative Behaviors

Drug Use - lovers lie about past or current drug use...

Alcohol Consumption - partners lie about alcohol consumption...

Smoking - people lie about smoking...

Gambling - lovers lie about gambling...


Hide Important Beliefs - lovers lie about true feelings on issues (i.e., politics, religion, pets) in order to get along with partner...

Enjoyment of Activities - people lie about enjoying things a partner likes to do...

Financial Issues

Resources - people lie about their income, resources, inheritance...

Debt - lovers lie about their level of debit...

Spending Habits - people lie about how they spend money...


Physical Appearance/health - people lie about age, weight, health...

Jealously - lovers lie about being jealous and snooping...

Career Performance - partners lie about how well work, school, career is going...

Family and Friends - lovers lie to make family and friends seem better...

Love and Emotions - people lie to their partners about feeling vulnerable, scared, and being overly emotional...

Monday, May 05, 2008

"Moksha", the Salvation

Monday, May 05, 2008 0
"Moksha", the Salvation

 "Moksha", the Salvation...

"Moksha", the Salvation...

There is energy, a very huge energy, which cannot be seen but can just be felt, and can be called, the Spiritual Ocean. That is unique. Soul is a drop in that Ocean. Think about a normal terrestrial ocean. It has got some characteristics. It tastes salty, it jumps lively and it is unconquerable.

Due to some external forces the droplets in the ocean sometimes change their shapes as vapor. They hang as a cloud in the sky experiencing totally a different feel, which is never felt by those droplets when they were with ocean. Those droplets forget the salty nature, the way they used to jump lively and the feel of invincibility they had when they were with ocean. Now they have a feel of insecurity, hanging in the sky with no support to depend.

As the time progresses the droplets in the form of cloud or vapor, change their shape once again by liquefying and fall on the ground.

Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards ocean, fall directly into the ocean and thus they return their place soon. Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards river, fall directly into the river and thus they take a little time to merge into ocean after an incessant restless journey. Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards rocky land, fall on rocks and it takes more time for them to merge in ocean after crossing the phase of vaporization, becoming a cloud again and locating themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards ocean. Some droplets in vapor form, which locate themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards soil, fall directly on the soil and sinks deeper into dark and thus it takes more and more time for them to vaporize from underground, to turn as a cloud and to fall in ocean locating themselves in the direction of the wind that blows towards ocean.

Similarly the souls from the spiritual ocean change their state because of external forces, attractions and many other tendencies and turned as human bodies changing their shapes from childhood to old age just like the clouds change their shapes from time to time. As the time flows on, death hits the souls in body form as if the wind hits the droplets that are in vapor form.

The souls with complete spiritual bent with no terrestrial desires drop into spiritual ocean, which otherwise can be termed as ‘moksha’, the salvation. The souls with half-hearted spirituality with half conviction and half bent towards spirituality take a birth once again wherein it takes a little time to that soul to merge into the ocean of spirituality, as if a few droplets in vapor form drop in river as told above. The souls with terrestrial desires which it deserves and which are positive in manner, take a birth once again which gives a little pain to fulfill the desires, as if the droplets fall on rocky lands when wind hits them. The souls with no maturity, more terrestrial desires which are bad, whose deeds are bad and whose thoughts are vague and confused take a birth which is more painful and which takes a very long time to merge into Spiritual Ocean, as if the droplets dropped on the land of soil and immersed. They experience darkness, suffocation, heat and many other sinister feelings.

Every phase discussed above is a training platform to mould oneself to reach the Spiritual Ocean, which is ultimate.